Just one more pass with this gouge and it'll be perf ..... FFFUUUUUUU!!!!!!
Ok, scratch that, I'll carry on with an oak bansdaw box. Hmm, this drawer needs just a little bit more sanded off the bottom and ... FFFFUUUUUU!!!!!, there's a hole through it.
Screw this, I'll go out in the field and rake up some hay. My spring-tine rake decides to reduce itself to its component parts ... FFFFUUUUUU!!!!!
Hopefully tomorrow won't be as much of a cock-up. :-D
Ok, scratch that, I'll carry on with an oak bansdaw box. Hmm, this drawer needs just a little bit more sanded off the bottom and ... FFFFUUUUUU!!!!!, there's a hole through it.
Screw this, I'll go out in the field and rake up some hay. My spring-tine rake decides to reduce itself to its component parts ... FFFFUUUUUU!!!!!
Hopefully tomorrow won't be as much of a cock-up. :-D