My reaons for leaving UKW

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Established Member
UKW Supporter
10 Nov 2006
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Boston Lincs
Before posting this I have asked the Mods if it’s OK to do so and I was told yes.

I have decided to leave the forum, why? Please read my comments below.

A quick overview of my time on UKW for those members that are relatively new I joined up in 2006
Mainly posted in the Woodturning section and as a novice received help and advice
When I started turning I had a very basic Draper lathe. a few tools and that was it. As I enjoyed turning I looked to upgrade my equipment and over the next 3 – 4 years was able to do this several times by purchasing complete workshops from people who were retiring from the hobby , each time getting a better lathe / tools / jigs / turning blanks sharpening equipment etc . After these purchases I had duplicate items and equipment I no longer needed due to the upgrades.
As a member of the forum I decided to offer these items on the forum For Sale / Wanted section at very competitive prices compared with buying new .
As the workshop purchases were woodwork related I thought this may be of interest to forum members so made several post showing the new lathe tools and equipment, most members enjoyed these posts

As I progressed with my turning I started posting photos of my work, later deciding to do WIP threads. Also posted a WIP of my workshop re build / battening /insulating / re wiring / etc

During the 6 years I also posted personal topics not woodwork related

I have also posted topics on my personal health issues (respiratory / sinus related) and promote full workshop dust control.

To promote turning on the forum I started and ran a monthly challenge, this is now in its second year

In my 6 years I have conducted my input in a polite and non confrontational manner, have not been banned ( unlike some others )

Question, Have I done anything wrong?

The answer to the above question is YES, surprised?

By now I have (unbeknown to me ) a small group of individuals who were anti Blister . On the WWW these individuals are sometimes referred to as “ Trolls , Axe grinders, back stabbers, keyboard warriors etc “ but I would not be that disrespectful to use those names , I now refer to them as “ The minority “

How do I know about the minority? Some have raised issues about me selling tools in the for sale section, accusing me of being nothing more than a tool dealer out for a free ride and not having a trade account .
I was somewhat concerned about this so decided to do a poll to see if the majority of forum members felt the same, If they did I was quite prepared to stop posting items for sale, see the link for-sale-or-not-for-sale-poll-t36838.html?hilit=poll
You can see 107 members were happy and voted for me to continue, the minority 5 voted for me to stop.

Snide comments occasionally popped up either about my work or posts I had made during my time on UKW, I normally ignored these as I knew they were intended to draw me into conflict / confrontation on the forum.

Move forward now to the last week in September 2012

I had a surprise PM asking if I would like to join the MOD team . I did not jump up and say yes straight away and asked for further details to know what was expected of me . Details about mod duties followed and I agreed to help. I was asked not to say anything on the forum as my appointment would be announced when everything was set up.
On Sunday the announcement was made and my status was changed to a Mod

This obviously sent out panic signals to the minority, I can imagine furious activity on the PM’s and in due time comments were sent to the MODs objecting to me being a MOD .
I switched off my computer around 8.30pm Sunday evening at this time I was still a MOD, switched it on again around 1.30 am to find I was no longer a MOD. So I missed ALL the comments posted in the 4 hours my computer was off. I then looked for any posts to find they had all been removed to keep things calm
I also had a PM from the Mods saying objections had been raised ( no details given ) and that my mod status has now been reversed . No problem to me it’s the shortest unpaid job I have ever had and I didn’t get to do any mod jobs

When I did switch on my computer around 1.30 am I found a post that had not been removed accusing me of being a Racist because of a post I made in 2009

I said “ I Hate living in Dagenham “

Dagenham was used in the making of one episode of the secret millionaire and the commentator on the show started with these words
“ Dagenham, one of the most depraved boroughs in Britain “

Its dirty, noisy, my house is directly under a flight path, must have the largest population of ice-cream van owners, police cars flying around 24/7 sirens and lights all on, I have been burgled 3 times, 2 major incidents at the end of my road in the last 6 weeks, the areas cordoned off for 2 days at a time while investigations are undertaken, I could go on but wont.

I made reference to ethnic friends, Ethnic as far as I am aware relates to people from different cultures living outside their own countries.
Friends ( The UK has made everyone welcome here )
Dagenham is one of the most multi cultural boroughs in the UK and has large populations of people from all around the world , Is it a crime for me to make note of this and prefer a balance of cultures as it was 10 years ago

Anyway after 6 years of continual chipping away by the minority I have now had enough, the final straw that has broken the camels back is now in place and put in place by *?*?*? ( I Think most people know already )

So if you are a member of the minority you need to congratulate him on a job well done with plenty of backslapping

If you are a member of the majority please keep any comments restrained, as I would not want you to get into any conflict over this

Earlier in this post I asked have I done anything wrong, and answered yes !

I posted a personal thought ( Big mistake ) used against me
I posted about purchases made ( another mistake ) used against me
Offered items for sale ( Big mistake ) should have sold them elsewhere

So PLEASE be very careful about any information you give on any forums , you may think its harmless but some people retain things for future use .

The forum actually warns of this if you look in Profile “Be careful when including any personal details “

One word to the Mods

When you took away my mod status you left me the Mod control panel , Boy what fun I could have with the Banned button :p But not being vindictive I left it well alone .

Lastly , now I am gone they will be looking for a new target :wink:

Well that target won't be me.

I knew of course, having read the original objection, the names of the people who objected to Allen being a mod. One is well known to us all as a total pain in the bum and the other was someone who doesn't post to this forum any more, he says, because of Allen. I wonder how he heard about it.

If the mods are going to listen to the likes of these two and withdraw what one would have hoped was a carefully thought out offer, based on their knowledge of the man, then they deserve to keep the likes of the two cretins and lose the likes of Allen.

And me.

I find this appalling. I no longer wish to be part of anything that would treat perfectly decent people with such lack of respect.
Sorry to hear you are leaving Allen especially as this was instigated by a person who has probably been banned more times than most and has made comments about "towel heads" himself in the past.
To drag this up after all this time and to remember your words indicates somebody of a very vindictive mind?

Good luck

As I said before Allen, I for one will be sorry to see you go - but respect your decision. It is always a great shame when sour grapes are allowed to spoil a good blend. In my short membership I have found you to be open, honest, knowledgeable, and willing to offer advice to beginners. If those are undesireable qualities, then I must be even more mad than the doctors say.
When the "Blister's gone all green" thread appeared, I do admit to being a bit surprised - but only because I already kinda assumed you were a mod. I can't for the life of me understand what the objectors' objections might be.... (I help moderate another forum & know how difficult and thankless it can be, so it can't be jealousy)
I have never taken part in the challenge, but always enjoyed seeing the entries. I drew some inspiration from the entries, and have a list of things I would like to try and emulate. Hopefully Nev will be able to keep the momentum.

I have no idea who your knockers are, having missed all the drama, but hope their sense of achievement comes back in spades. Good luck in the future, safe in the knowledge you are the better person.
Harbo":72cuy43g said:
Sorry to hear you are leaving Allen especially as this was instigated by a person who has probably been banned more times than most
Nowt to do with me - I was a late comer to the party. I instigated nothing. You wouldn't know this as others' posts were deleted. Blister was not on my radar - I don't go into the turning forum much at all.
I wouldn't wish blister to leave either - I've no objection to talking to people I don't agree with; I enjoy it!
Im not sure who's been stirring things up ........ But not happy

Im a relatively new member and Mr blister has always been nothing but helpful welcoming and friendly .
And now everyone else has now to loose out because of them? Something not right there !

God bless Mr blister sir .. Hope to speak again someday xx
i think the two complainers should be named and shamed and asked to leave.

I also think the MODs should have a rethink about how these issues are handled. I feel their behaviour is pretty despicable as well.

I raised an issue regarding the judgement of Blister in the role Mod. I stand by reservations.
Then have the courage and integrity to publish it here. Your complaint affects us all and has created a very negative feel to the forum and about the MODS.

If it is valid then people will understand. If it deliberate vengeful undermining of Blister as has been hinted at then people will also understand.

I want to see what has caused this very hurtful event.

SBJ you have been a member since 2009 and made 198 posts, I am sure that as such an active member of the community your feelings were well justified and have made this a safer and more pleasant place for us all to frequent, I thank you deeply for your diligence.


Instead fueled by what appears to be petty hatred you have helped to make a respected and active member of the community feel they are not able to stay and contribute to the discussion.
I look forwards to reading your regular and helpful posts in the future, oh sorry my mistake you don't make them.

Goodbye Blister and good luck in the future.

~Nil carborundum illegitemi~
It is disgraceful behaviour by the mods, they should be thoroughly ashamed.

JFC":lmt0r07t said:
Youre just not mod material baby , deal with it and move on :lol:

I have not been aware of most of what has been going on and most other members have not but at least we ALL know now who at least one of them was. The above remark is uncalled for and just shows the poster for the vindictive side of his nature. I don't know him or about him and no longer wish to, people like this will bring a forum to its knees unless others stand up to them. Don't run off and give up Allen we are not all of the same mind someone has to make a stand and ensure the forum survives.
As to the MODS who appointed you and then withdrew that appointment I think it was very bad form and should never have happened, You are the ones at fault for either not thinking before you made the appointment or for taking notice of the discenters after the appoinment. Either way you carry a large proportion of the blame for this matter. I have no idea who actually owns the forum but policies need revising if you wish this forum to continue.
Otherwise the "minorities" will take over, cliques have no place in a public forum no matter who you are or what your experience. I am disgusted with the whole carry on.
beech1948":1w1zi5xo said:
Then have the courage and integrity to publish it here. Your complaint affects us all and has created a very negative feel to the forum and about the MODS.

If it is valid then people will understand. If it deliberate vengeful undermining of Blister as has been hinted at then people will also understand.

I want to see what has caused this very hurtful event.

The mods took it down, not Stu.
As a non participator in this particular episode, let me briefly explain what will happen now.

Blister will leave....
this thread will rampage on repeating itself over and over again....
others will leave in sympathy...
the thread will be locked....
someone will try to restart it again...
it will be locked again....
the sympathetic leavers will gradually return....
eventually my money is on Blister returning .....

How do I know this ..... because it happens over and over again about every 2 years on average, obviously the reasons are different but the outrage on both sides is always similar.

Anyway.... I'm off to visit my knitting forum, much more civilised than here.
beech1948":3d170ma4 said:
i think the two complainers should be named and shamed and asked to leave.


:shock: You don't know what was said or done, the trail has been wiped - yet you think I should leave? lol. Well done Shurlock.

An objection was raised regarding the past conduct of Blister, the Mod team felt it was necessary to change the decision. It's done. Move on. I feel no shame or regret, some people will miss Blister, obviously from the responses here. In a week he'll be forgotten like all those others that have this sort of staged departure.
FWIW, I would suggest that if members have issues regarding recent decisions that have been taken, then rather than accusing other members based on hearsay, they address their concerns to the webmaster and forum owner Charley, from whom you will hopefully get a helpful reply, as I did.

Wildman":2tatm93h said:
As to the MODS who appointed you and then withdrew that appointment I think it was very bad form and should never have happened, You are the ones at fault for either not thinking before you made the appointment or for taking notice of the discenters after the appoinment. Either way you carry a large proportion of the blame for this matter. I have no idea who actually owns the forum but policies need revising if you wish this forum to continue.

They didn't know about a post which they cannot allow the site to be associated with as it would be if he is made a moderator, so it is only fair to allow them to revise their decision when it is pointed out to them - the mods cannot read every post and clearly that one was not reported to them for whatever reason. Blister has not much place to complain, he wrote it and the meaning was inescapably clear. Really, he would have done better to recant and apologise.
This all seems very bizarre.
Being a mod on a forum this busy cannot be a particularly easy job, and generally thankless. I feel they are entitled to ask others to join their ranks without putting it out to vote as they, by definition, know who contributes in the most positive ways to forum activity. It seems to me that having made a decision it should not be reversed based on the opinion of a few members, and if objections are made then perhaps there was a reasonable cause to call for a vote. If there was good reason to reverse this decision then the reasons should be made explicitly clear, any note's on the subject, including PMs should be made available so the rest of us can understand a little of what has occurred.
What we are left with now is feeling that there is some sort of conspiracy, or maybe threats were made on some grounds or another, would the people who objected consider performing the job themselves? Some of the comments here seem unnecessarily antagonistic and only add to feeling of bullying.
Clearly too late for the views of others to be taken into account (those that have better things to do late at night) but not too late to explain the thinking.
If the government has come clean about the reversal of the train franchise then it seems a small matter for the mods to do similar for this
No conspiracy, no threats and any decisions were not based on other people's views.
The situation is regrettable and I'm sorry it happened.

The government I think have a mandate, this does not apply here.
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