Michael McIntyre - Pain


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25 Apr 2024
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Devon PL21
I watched a recent broadcast of MM in which he explored the trauma and debilitating pain associated with kidney stones. I sympathised having 'been there' and suffered the 'camera up the willy' et al.

He touched on remarks made by women who would say 'It's nothing to compare with childbirth....you men have it easy... ' etc.

A thought went through what passes for my mind along the lines that despite this 'worst pain in the world' I once heard a friend say that she would like another baby.

I have never ever heard of a man saying 'Ooh! I think I'd like another kidney stone.....'
I watched a recent broadcast of MM in which he explored the trauma and debilitating pain associated with kidney stones. I sympathised having 'been there' and suffered the 'camera up the willy' et al.

He touched on remarks made by women who would say 'It's nothing to compare with childbirth....you men have it easy... ' etc.

A thought went through what passes for my mind along the lines that despite this 'worst pain in the world' I once heard a friend say that she would like another baby.

I have never ever heard of a man saying 'Ooh! I think I'd like another kidney stone.....'
My mother in law was an only child, apparently the birth was so bad her mum decided she couldn’t face having another one.
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Don't know about kidney stones but gall stones had me writhing on the floor three or four times before they were removed. Worse than child birth I'm told. Well at least with CB you a) have something to look forward to and b) it only happens because you want you want it to (in the majority of cases). Once you have gall stones the pain can happen at any time until the little b*gg**s are removed and that's only once the inflammation has gone down.
It's simple really. Women have very short memories when it comes to childbirth probably wiped out in the first few hours of bonding with that baby. Men are wired differently. In other words if blokes had to give birth the human race would very soon be extinct.
I think I have a high pain threshold but just the thought makes me go into a cold sweat. :ROFLMAO:
I remember sitting at 3am, afraid to go to bed because I knew the pain from the ulcerated feet would beat the overdose of morphine hands down (I also have an extremely high pain threshold, according to a GP). Hello Darkness My Old Friend came on the radio and I burst in tears. It would be nice to be able to forget that.
I was in hospital after a kidney stone and the renal nurse told me she’d had one kidney stone and three children…..and the stone was way more painful!
Totally off topic comments now.

Never had kidney stones or gall stones fortunately, but I would like to make a comment about MM. It amazes me how he can make a comedy sketch out of practically nothing. Last week it was about silent letters in English spelling. From something so simple and generally accepted by us all, he had the audience in stitches. I think you have to have a certain talent and charisma to be able to do that. Tommy Cooper was another who could make an act from nothing.
What also amazes me is how some people have managed to become celebrities after having been born into poverty or other disadvantage situations. People like Dolly Parton, Max Bygraves or Norman Wisdom. The real achievement I think was Louis Armstrong. Not just born into poverty but born poor and black in Louisiana in early 20th century. Can't get much more disadvantaged than that.
When I was hospitalised with a broken and infected wisdom tooth (my face had swollen severely and my jaw had locked shut) a couple or 3 years ago I recall the nurse saying she would rather go through childbirth than experience the pain I had been in for almost 3 months 😳
I had gout in the left big toe ......... then the right big toe. Then the left ankle .......... then the right ankle. Then the left knee ........... then the right knee. Then is stopped for a few days. Then the left big toe ... I never missed the Allopurinol ever again.
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I had freind who ran sub three marathon and said it was worse than child birth...

I've not forgotten it!🤣
I had gout in the left big toe ......... then the right big toe. Them the left ankle .......... then the right ankle. Then the left knee ........... then the right knee. Then is stopped for a few days. Then the left big toe ... I never missed the Allopurinol ever again.
Ah yes. The magical gift that is Allopurinol. I’m with you….!
Don't particularly like taking drugs of any kind but the allopurinol is one I don't mind taking, gout pain is excruciating but I'd still take it over the pain I had with my wisdom tooth issues.
The view that got me through was there is always someone worse off.
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It seems Gallstone's aren't, but bladder and Kidney stones are did not know any of this.

Just found this:

What causes gallstones? Cholesterol stones are believed to form when bile contains too much cholesterol, too much bilirubin, not enough bile salts, or when the gallbladder does not empty as it should for some other reason.

Bladder stones are hard masses of minerals in your bladder. They develop when the minerals in concentrated urine crystallize and form stones. This often happens when you have trouble completely emptying your bladder.

Kidney stones are clusters of crystals that form from minerals and other substances in your urinary tract. Most stones pass out of your body in your pee on their own, but they can be very painful as they move through. You might need a procedure to break up or remove the stone if it can’t pass on its own or is causing a blockage.
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