Looking for a supplier of 2mm mirror glass


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Established Member
20 Feb 2004
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In the eternally wet North
LOML dropped her antique powder compact and broke one of the mirrors..luckily the flat one. But I'm struggling to find anyone who can supply and cut 2mm mirror glass. Any ideas, chaps ?
I know it's not quite the same, but there was a thread on here recently about using mirror spray paint. I believe the outcome was pretty successful.
If you can't get the proper silvered stuff it might be a solution inter alia.
Thanks Chrispy...will give them a try.

Dibs - acrylic is my fallback option but not sure how good it will be compared to the other glass in the compact
Might be worth a punt considering they literally should be as cheap as chips - for the size you're after. At least get the Mrs going until you can sort out something else. ;)
Dibs-h":1e5s82yy said:
Might be worth a punt considering they literally should be as cheap as chips - for the size you're after. At least get the Mrs going until you can sort out something else. ;)

LOL..."Get the Mrs going"

One of those lovely phrases in the English language that have several different connotations !
I hate to say this RogerS considering how you've been recently, but I might be able to help - what size are you after?
RogerS":3ijgjq79 said:
LOL..."Get the Mrs going"

One of those lovely phrases in the English language that have several different connotations !

I was typing in a hurry. Just re-read that and can see what you mean. :shock: :oops: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
rafezetter":2u40guqx said:
I hate to say this RogerS considering how you've been recently, but I might be able to help - what size are you after?

I appreciate that, thanks. It's 58mm x 40mm but the downside is it's an oval. I might have someone who can cut it to a template.
RogerS":wkra4av0 said:
rafezetter":wkra4av0 said:
I hate to say this RogerS considering how you've been recently, but I might be able to help - what size are you after?

I appreciate that, thanks. It's 58mm x 40mm but the downside is it's an oval. I might have someone who can cut it to a template.

I have a pocket mirror I got in a posh cracker, mirror is just a hair under 2mm thick, frame is metal so could be posted.

Downside is the dimensions are 56mm x 52mm

If you cut a bit of paper to that size you might be able squeeze out an oval of 58mm at the widest point diagonally.

Alternatively if you can do a quick ms paint oval of the same shape and size I can print it out and see for myself, (you'll need to be exact ofc) and if it works - mail it to Phil.P for processing.

Glass has no blemishes that are easily discernable, and although it's been glued into the metal frame it's a sloppy fit, so I'm sure a little bit of heat would resolve that.
I really appreciate your kind generosity, rafezetter. I've dropped you a PM. Hopefully the linkwill work and if phil.p can work his magic then Bingo !
Hope it works Roger.

Acrylic mirror probably isn't good enough for you as it moves a bit and distorts especially when as thin as that. If it comes to it I might be able to find a piece big enough left over from my time in the industry, hopefully not scratched.

The only good thing you'd get from acrylic is that you can fit it curved to make your other half look either thinner of fatter. Get brownie points or a thick ear depending on your circumstances. :lol:
Lons":nkt8jrp0 said:
Hope it works Roger.

Acrylic mirror probably isn't good enough for you as it moves a bit and distorts especially when as thin as that. If it comes to it I might be able to find a piece big enough left over from my time in the industry, hopefully not scratched.

The only good thing you'd get from acrylic is that you can fit it curved to make your other half look either thinner of fatter. Get brownie points or a thick ear depending on your circumstances. :lol:

LOL...my other half requires neither as she's perfectly proportioned. Definitely not a fat lass !
Well I've managed to get the mirror out of the frame, the paint on the back protecting the silvering was damaged pulling it away from the glue (silvering was unharmed) so I gave it a few coats of acrylic spray paint and made a template of the right dimensions - hopefully it's good enough and stuck it to the mirror and added PVA all over it to protect it from scratches while it's being worked.

I've also made a foam padded enclosure to transport it, and the cut mirror when complete.

So if someone can wake Phil.P up and ask him to answer my PM with his address before 12.30pm tomorrow I can get it in the post, otherwise it'll be monday :).
rafezetter":20z9z9y6 said:
Well I've managed to get the mirror out of the frame, the paint on the back protecting the silvering was damaged pulling it away from the glue (silvering was unharmed) so I gave it a few coats of acrylic spray paint and made a template of the right dimensions - hopefully it's good enough and stuck it to the mirror and added PVA all over it to protect it from scratches while it's being worked.

I've also made a foam padded enclosure to transport it, and the cut mirror when complete.

So if someone can wake Phil.P up and ask him to answer my PM with his address before 12.30pm tomorrow I can get it in the post, otherwise it'll be monday :).

That really is 'above and beyond' =D> I've not been able to rouse Phil.p...hope he's OK

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