Just what on earth is this all about.


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Established Member
5 Jan 2017
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lincolnshire Wolds
These are fairly regularly above the useful stuff on this site, I opened something like this once and entered a maze of rabbit holes that never seemed to end so I shan’t do it again, this one appears to advocate sticking a nail in a socket – well I suppose it would slash your power bills, it would turn everything off at the mains or if you did it wrongly it could kill you and then you wouldn’t be bothered about the bills. Ian
What bright spark came up with that?
Some silly person who has little idea how to use photoshop!

It is quite obviously a poor attempt at pulling together a few images to suggest that a clout nail can be inserted into any slot in a 13amp socket. The nail is shown at about 60º from the direction it would be if it were really held in the plier jaws.
Some silly person who has little idea how to use photoshop!

It is quite obviously a poor attempt at pulling together a few images to suggest that a clout nail can be inserted into any slot in a 13amp socket. The nail is shown at about 60º from the direction it would be if it were really held in the plier jaws.
Plus, he has hands smaller than Donald Trump.
It's simply to get you to click and waste your time to make someone money. There's another with someone adding ketchup to their fuel tank to ' improve milage'
It's simply to get you to click and waste your time to make someone money. There's another with someone adding ketchup to their fuel tank to ' improve milage'
Well that’s the bit I can’t get my head round, how can making me waste my time make them money?
I guess they are counting on the fact that the people who click on these things probably aren't the brightest people and you know what they say about a fool and their money........
They get paid for adverts don’t they? So every time you click and load a screen they get paid a tiny amount for you having seen the advert… always assumed that’s the case and why they take you down a rabbit hole…

It does seem to be a bit irresponsible to suggest sticking a nail in a socket… trump hands or not
Well that’s the bit I can’t get my head round, how can making me waste my time make them money?

It’s referred to as ‘click bait’ and usually comprises some fake news or tip which aims to encourage you ‘click it’ to find out more. The page you are redirected to will carry advertising and the person operating the page will get a payment from the advertisers each time someone visits that page. Each payment will be fraction of a penny (or cent) but multiply by thousands or millions of ‘click throughs’ and it starts to add up.
It’s referred to as ‘click bait’ and usually comprises some fake news or tip which aims to encourage you ‘click it’ to find out more. The page you are redirected to will carry advertising and the person operating the page will get a payment from the advertisers each time someone visits that page. Each payment will be fraction of a penny (or cent) but multiply by thousands or millions of ‘click throughs’ and it starts to add up.
Thank you HJ, a very succinct answer, shan’t fall for that again! Ian
I guess the forum owners don't have any editorial control over the advertising. Which is sad, as the whole Motex thing is a giant scam that should be illegal. Plug this thing into a socket and slash your electricity bills. Yeah, right!
I really don't understand why the people who sell this stuff aren't in prison.
Have come across Energydots? Amazon should be ashamed of themselves for enabling the sale of such things.
I guess the forum owners don't have any editorial control over the advertising. Which is sad, as the whole Motex thing is a giant scam that should be illegal. Plug this thing into a socket and slash your electricity bills. Yeah, right!
I really don't understand why the people who sell this stuff aren't in prison.
Have come across Energydots? Amazon should be ashamed of themselves for enabling the sale of such things.
No, not come across them, do I need some? Ha ha