A little bit of fun turning. Had a go at this little string puzzle from David Springett's book "Woodturning Full Circle"
A great exercise in multiple turning
I was given a couple of turning books for Christmas (surprisingly! ) and one of those is devoted to trick wood tuning - I might get it out in the shed and have a go at one this weekend.
Nice copy turning by the way - I had to make 4 table riser cups out of oak for a gentleman in France - my second commission - and it was difficult as they all had to be spot on so as not to make the table wobble.
I can't see the video as at work at the moment, but will check it out later.
Lovely Derek...and Stiggy....don't talk about copy turning!! At the club competition last night I completely cocked up a pair of walnut candlesticks that looked about as similar to a pair as.....something....er.......very dis-similar!