If you're thinking of emigrating to Europe and you're not so young think again perhaps


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Oh here we go - Tony's back on his hobby horse of the pesky immigrants and pesky left wingers.

And what about you? Here you go sniping from the sides, acting holier than thou, all the while stirring the pot.

Tony didn’t bring up demographics, one of your fellow bore squad members did.

Sploo derailed the thread into rabid lefty talking points almost by the first page. By the time Tony came along, you lot (jake, sploo, chris etc..) had already got into your typical rut and poisoned the well.

Brexit is awful.
Farage is a conman
Everyone who doesn’t agree with me is thick
Look at these thick people

Your coming protestations will seem more plausible if you ever called out your own lot for their behaviour. You always seem to complain though just when someone decides to push back.

You owe Tony an apology.
Little chance of that, I'd think - it's very clear both Mr T (no, not the cool one, the orange one) and Mr P are looking to fund and facilitate the dismembering of European unity at whatever cost. Oh, the irony - taking back control? Handing it over, lock, stock and barrel to malignant foreign interests.
Good god the wailing and crying.

I thought those idiot conservatives were all about ‘conspiracy theories’.

You sound like Alex Jones
Fascinating series from Delaney. I think he's really cut to the core of the problems relating to emigration to Europe and such matters. Top man.
Fascinating series from Delaney. I think he's really cut to the core of the problems relating to emigration to Europe and such matters. Top man.
And your moaning and wailing over Farage, what was that eactly?

Sit down.
You show nothing but contempt to anyone who disagrees with you.
No contempt from me, all humans are prone to lazy thinking. But best to know that is the case rather than thinking that 'common sense' is any substitute for reason.
And your moaning and wailing over Farage, what was that eactly?

Sit down.
Your enthusiasm for mocking people exceeds your capacity to make sense. If you can't understand, for example, the relationship between Farage and the limits placed on emigration to the EU, you should probably take more of a back seat, read and think a bit more, then come back with something worth writing. Anyway, I'll try to ignore your childish insults in future.
I would hardly think that those who are opposed to uncontrolled migration and the ill effects it clearly has on such as the UK could be described as demagogy! That refers to a mindless mob view which clearly isn't the case.

For the people who have to actually live with the real world results then I think they would view the issues with common sense and expect any reasoned PM to think likewise and sort out the issues.
Do you have any directly personal experiences which cause you to worry about immigration, or are you just relying on opinions and scare stories from the popular press and populist politicians?
We have people coming here for instance living in four star accommodation while we have members of the British population living on the streets and elderly people having to choose between heating and eating...I would hardly call those views populistic!...the word accusers are looking for is hypocrisy!
The immigrants are not to blame.
They did not ask for "4 star accommodation" and in any case its grossly exaggerated story, the realty has been very different. https://www.hrw.org/report/2023/09/...ng-and-social-support-families-seeking-asylum
Neither did they cause poverty and people living on the streets.
These are government failures. Populist politicians find it useful to blame others for their own policy failings and the right wing media play the blame game endlessly. It's dishonest but people lazily fall for it all the time.
We need immigrants urgently to fill vacancies in the work place. In any case it's a global human rights issue in a troubled world. Have you heard of Syria for instance?
No contempt from me, all humans are prone to lazy thinking. But best to know that is the case rather than thinking that 'common sense' is any substitute for reason.

No contempt from you?

No contempt from you?

No - I don't have any contempt for anyone on this thread. You seem to have misread the conversation - EY TONY was saying he held me in contempt, not the other way around.
Your enthusiasm for mocking people exceeds your capacity to make sense. If you can't understand, for example, the relationship between Farage and the limits placed on emigration to the EU, you should probably take more of a back seat, read and think a bit more, then come back with something worth writing. Anyway, I'll try to ignore your childish insults in future.

My enthusiasm for calling you out on page 9 or 10 of the thread, in which your gang of bores, has spend it’s time doing what it always does, demeaning people, calling people thick, mocking peoples choices, whilst patting yourselves on the back, is what’s really happening.
Not whatever revisionist gaslighting you’re now attempting to undertake.

You are a hypocrite. That’s not a childish insult. That’s a sell founded observation based on your behavoir.

Again, sit down.
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