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Established Member
24 Jul 2007
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...about subjects that don't need as much discussion as they sometimes get, you might like to look at Chris Schwarz's latest blog post here


On the whole, I think we collectively do quite well on here at keeping our discussions helpful, but I think he's written a witty reminder for the online woodworking community.
Quite funny but I think there are one or two on here who, even if they received the final difinitive 'way to do it' as an epiphany from God, would still come on this forum and argue contrarily about it. You know who you are.
I wonder if he's seen some of the recent sharpening threads on here? :D
Bah, He's wrong. Jesus of Nazareth used a Norton India stone when he was a carpenter and I see no reason why anyone else needs anything more than that!

Belgian Coticules... Pfft...
I'm pretty sure I caught Belgian Coticules as a young fella after a cracking night out in Amsterdam.
"Coticules" Chris? They can re-occur you know? The larvae have can be dormant for over 10 years before the adrenalin rush from reading a sharpening thread stimulates them back into life...
I'd check - one hand lift, other hand palpate - if I was you...
Remember that advice to catch with both hands?
Not always the best option.