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Established Member
10 Jan 2008
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Hospital regulations require a wheel chair for patients being discharged. However, while working as a student nurse, I found one elderly gentleman already dressed and sitting on the bed with a suitcase at his feet, who insisted he didn't need my help to leave the hospital.
After a chat about rules being rules, he reluctantly let me wheel him to the elevator.
On the way down I asked him if his wife was meeting him.
'I don't know,' he said. 'She's still upstairs in the bathroom changing out of her hospital gown.'

If your too young to appreciate this, just nod your head and walk on past. :D

Travis :D

A timely post - with my elderly mum currently in hospital and having today taken my father to visit in her wheelchair (unusually, but his r/h metal knee is playing up due to overuse because his l/h metal hip needs replacing!!) I can readily identify with the humour. :D

The neighbouring patient (Dementia sufferer) kept us amused throughout our visit by insisting, loudly and persistenly, that we were visiting the wrong patient and had confused my mum with her. #-o
Quite appropriate for me too. I have receintly had 15 daze in Carcassonne hospital and when I left there was no wheel chair and about a 1/4 mile walk to the car park. The last wheel chair ride I had was the morning before my afternoon dishcharge. I was taken down to see a dental doctor, maxifacial or something? We finished up going up and down a couple of times in the lift and were then joined by my French room mate. He was going to IRM, French for MRI would you believe? We had a race along the ground floor corridor. I won of course.

Good for slimming too. I lost 5 Kg in those 15 daze. The food was bloody awful (hammer) (hammer)

They still don't know what the cause of all the pain was even though I had more x-rays, IRM scans, cat scans and ultra sound scans than you could shake a stick at!!! I was glad that we weren't stopped by the knick-knicks on the way home because I would probably have been done as a druggie after all the blood tests and 3 attempts at trying to stop the drip leaking my blood !! Good game, good game :mrgreen:
Ah hospitals, lovely places to be!!! I had ten days in Cardiff hospital having an RPLND op (to do with testicular cancer), stitched from solar plexus to pubic bone, in pain, shuffling rather than walking I was allowed to be discharged. My lift duly arrived and I signed the release papers. Was told by the nurse I had to wait for a porter with a wheelchair to take me to the ground floor and out to the long a wait......about an hour or so................I walked!