My 606, 607,and 608 are pretty rust and I just like nice new shiney things I guess. The value is not an issue to me as I bought them for use and not for investment. The 3 mentioned above I got for a steal of 30 - 50 $ each (I used to live in the US), so I think rennovating them will make them look nice and increase their value. I thought since I'm getting those 3 done I might as well get the rest done, the guy in the US only charges 30 to 60 $ (postage would kill it of course!) per plane and I've been forward emails from delighted customers. He even gave me the jappaning recipe:
"Andy -
The original black japanning is asphalt based. When applied and then baked, it will form an almost glass hard surface. The original formula is sometimes referred to as "Pontypool Asphaltum". I make my own using the original highly guarded secret recipe.
(knowing the ingredients ain't the hard part!)
To remove the rust, use electrolysis. Nothing else will neutralize the rust that has formed INSIDE the porous cast iron. Afterwards scrub with hot soapy water and a scotch brite pad. Bake to remove the water absorbed by the cast iron. Brush on about 3 coats of Japanning, letting it dry betewen coats. Then bake at no more than 400 degrees for 2 hours in an electric oven. A gas oven can be used if you first pre-heat the empty oven, then turn off the heat while the plane heats up. Turn the gas back on after the plane has gotten hot. (moisture in the gas combustion)
Do the above, or, send it to me!
PlaneWood by Mike_in_Katy
PlaneWood "
but as he states knowing what is japanning is not the same as being able to do it - just like hand cut dovetails huh?
Anyway thanks for getting back to me and let's hope this BB takes off I get a bit fed up of always using the ones at Fine Woodworking: with talks of Dado heads, 110v , table saws with no guards or splitters and an NVR switch being a novelty, never mind feet and inches, I'm 37 and have never been taught feet and inches!