Background: The guitar is about 40 years old. Brand: Almeria (made in Spain). Style: Classical/flamenco. Current cost new: about £150 (so budget level).
My wife has just picked up her old guitar from her parents’ house with the view of trying to play again. However, in the interim, one of her younger brothers had restrung the guitar with steel strings which have deformed the bridge and guitar body (front face) significantly. As far as I can tell the neck and fretboard are still pretty true.
The Damage: The bridge had been twisted/distorted and the back had lifted off the front face of the guitar body (see below), but not before it had “bellied out” the back of the area on which it was seated/glued. After several hours with an iron, spatula, and surgical scalpel, I have managed to remove the bridge, but not without pulling away some of the wood under it. (I now realise that using a chisel and then heat to remove the last of the glue would have been the best way to go – but too late now!)
What I need to do!
1. I have to fill and level the area where the bridge was. The back of where the bridge was seated is 1mm to 1 1/2mm higher than the front due to distortion, so I need to level this area up and create a flat surface for the new bridge. Is wood putty suitable and does it have enough adhesion to stay attached, or should I be trying something else? Any other ideas or suggestions?
2. I need to fit a new bridge once I have completed the step above. The old one had 2 small dowels in addition to the adhesive. “If” I am successful in the task above, what type of adhesive should I use? Should I try to use dowels too, or even screws? Any suggestions, ideas, do’s and don’ts would be very welcome.
Ultimately, this is not an expensive guitar, but it would be nice to make it playable again. I am pretty able as a DIY person, but this is more intricate than the kind of thing that I would normally take on. Any help/advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
My wife has just picked up her old guitar from her parents’ house with the view of trying to play again. However, in the interim, one of her younger brothers had restrung the guitar with steel strings which have deformed the bridge and guitar body (front face) significantly. As far as I can tell the neck and fretboard are still pretty true.
The Damage: The bridge had been twisted/distorted and the back had lifted off the front face of the guitar body (see below), but not before it had “bellied out” the back of the area on which it was seated/glued. After several hours with an iron, spatula, and surgical scalpel, I have managed to remove the bridge, but not without pulling away some of the wood under it. (I now realise that using a chisel and then heat to remove the last of the glue would have been the best way to go – but too late now!)

What I need to do!
1. I have to fill and level the area where the bridge was. The back of where the bridge was seated is 1mm to 1 1/2mm higher than the front due to distortion, so I need to level this area up and create a flat surface for the new bridge. Is wood putty suitable and does it have enough adhesion to stay attached, or should I be trying something else? Any other ideas or suggestions?

2. I need to fit a new bridge once I have completed the step above. The old one had 2 small dowels in addition to the adhesive. “If” I am successful in the task above, what type of adhesive should I use? Should I try to use dowels too, or even screws? Any suggestions, ideas, do’s and don’ts would be very welcome.

Ultimately, this is not an expensive guitar, but it would be nice to make it playable again. I am pretty able as a DIY person, but this is more intricate than the kind of thing that I would normally take on. Any help/advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.