Google laugh

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Try this very soon, before someone forces Google to fix its site:
1) Go to <
2) Type in weapons of mass destruction (DON'T hit return)
3) Hit the "I'm feeling lucky" button, NOT the "Google search"
4) Read the "error message" carefully. The WHOLE page. Someone at
Google really has a sense of humour. And will probably be fired soon!!!!
Forgot to log-in (again) ticked the box this time though :D
nice one jim, very amusing , now which department do i report to , oh yes the white house care of GWB

dave w
If you notice, some of the links still work - and one connects you to the amazon website. Apparently the author has made a fortune, as the click through provides commision for any site with the original link.

Not only is he a comedian - he's become a rich comedian!!!

I saw this last year when it was particularly topical!

BTW, hitting "I'm feeling lucky" just brings up the first webpage that Google lists at the top. It's nothing to do with Google, and it won't be "fixed". This is just the highest ranking website for that particular search. And the author has just made it look like an error page.
Click "Google Search" instead and go to the first page and you'll see what I mean.

Pedantic? Me!? :wink: