good benchtop planer

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Established Member
21 Apr 2004
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Hi all

Can anybody recommend a decent bench-top planer? I'm limited to a bench-top model more due to space restrictions than cost. I've read the many posts on this topic, and the SIP seems popular. I'd prefer to have a cast iron model and I'm not sure the SIP still is CI? ... laner.html

Something like this ... nter/G0725 looks great, but it's US based so import and voltage problems apply. Is there anything similar available in the UK or can somebody recommend any other benchtop planers/Jointers?

Many thanks

The problem with small SIP is the cutter has a large bearing one end and a small one the other end, the small one packs up after a week but the machine still works and you will not know its gone apart from the quality of the work. I got over this buy making a larger bearing housing and fitted a much larger bearing. The original was the size of my small finger.
I've been considering one of these machines for a year or so, basically waiting for my workshop to "settle down" into a regularly used shape, so that I know if I have space. The one I set my sights on is the Woodstar PT85. It's very similar to the SIP, the Charnwood, the Clarke and the Fox, but seemed to have more positive comments and reviews than most of the others.

I've seen it retail online at everything from £185 to £250

Motor power 1250 watts.
Planing width: 204mm.
Thicknessing capacity: 204mm x 120mm.
Table size: 7347/210mm.
Weight 26kgs

I'll be watching this thread hoping for a better option to be mentioned too! :)


Oh, there's also a small one by Record Power that seems better made than all of these, with cast iron tables etc that you don't see so often now, and a capacity of 260mm, but the price reflects that at £699.
Please bear in mind these are brush motored machines and (even for a planer) they are VERY NOISY!

The larger PT260 machines (various badged makes) are induction motored and a lot less noisy.
The thing is I can't afford a bigger workshop, but could afford a good quality cast iron bench-top planer like the grizzly, but from what I can see in this country such tools are not available.... Unless somebody knows something I don't?
Those "not available" machines are basically the ones that RogerP and I were mentioning in the Record Power PT260 machines (and equivalent - though I've only ever found the Record Power one myself).

I realise that in the USA you can get a cast iron machine with a powerful motor and high quality rails etc. for below $300, but unfortunately in Britain we seem to pay a premium for certain types of tools, and this is one of those. All the small ones like the woodstar, SIP, charnwood etc are all suspiciously similar, I've heard many allegations that they are pretty much the same chiwanese machine but with different finishing touches, and they seem to have the market covered at the £300 and under range.

To get better than them, especially the cast iron tables et al, seems to cost us at least twice the price in our country as a minimum. If Roger reads this, I'd much appreciate a heads up on the other "various badged makes" to be able to price compare for my own workshop - £700 is just too much for my wallet, I'd have to sell the wife.

There are many badge engineered versions of the PT260 but they're all basically the same machine with slight spec. alterations and paint jobs. They're a good hobbist machine with an induction motor, a ready supply of blades and general spares. My SIP version has done sterling work for many years.

Here are some (there are more) Metabo, SIP, Record, Axminster Perform (discontinued), Axminster Hobby Series AWEPT106, Macma, Woodman, Cepilladora-regruesadora PT 260, Woodfast ... the list could go on.

I think they all originate from here ... 10"×6" PLANER THICKNESSER/PT260

The smaller and much cheaper 8"x8" PTs are brush motored. There are dozens of different "makes" all badge engineered (too many for me to list) but much the same. All the main tool suppliers seem to have their own model.

I had one for a very short while but it was so very noisy I soon got rid of it. I know the operator can wear ear protection but what about the rest of the household and neighbours? You could hear mine half a street away.
Thanks for all the useful info guys. You've got me scratching my head now trying to work out how I can possibly squeeze a PT260 into my shop...
I'll vouch for the rolling base, my record power band saw weighs a downright silly amount, being of the cast iron tables and wheels variety, and the wheeled base (record power option made for the saw) makes it easy to shove about for cleaning.

Roger's list of alternatives is quite enlightening, some of them have cast aluminium tables, which although not as luxurious and perfect, would make it a lot easier to move about.

One tip that I've been given (I think it may have been from RogerP too) was that the machine is not too huge with the tables removed. Most folks do more with the thicknesser than the planer, so it can sit around in the shop (maybe on a wheeled base) taking up less room, until the planer is actually needed, then you can pull them out of a corner and reattach the tables.

I may do that at some point. I'm out of money for machinery, and I can't find a buyer for the wife, so it'll have to wait :)
