Getting used to a new Router!!!

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I recently bought a new Router. A Makita 1/2" 1850w to replace my older Bosch 900 ACE.

I don't use a router very often, but when I do it's for fiddly edge moulding work.

Unfortunately, the Bosch and the Makita are opposite to work.
ie With the Makita, the plunge is free and you lock it when you want whereas with the Bosch the plunge is locked until you free it!

What happened was when using the Makita router I set the cutter depth via the fine height adjuster but forgot to lock the plunge.
Consequently, as I routed along the table edge the router gradually plunged deeper and deeper as I went along without me realising.

Result= Added repair to wrecked table edge that took an hour or so to fix!!

Moral of the story; When using a router concentrate 100%
When using a different one triple check all the settings and concentrate 200% It don'y half go wrong fast!!

Oh well, it won't happen again! I hope.

Silly Arse :cry: Still you won't be the first to have that happen. Some routers I have used the locking screw vibrates loose and the same thing happens, Infuriating :evil:

Yeah. I'm sure something like that has happened to me before aswell.

When I used the schools Bosh POF 500 - It scared the heck out of me.

Probably because its so light weigt compared to mine. It vibrated like mad and started suddenly ans stuff.