Evri....or is it?!


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Tail end to my little story....yes, the parcel was delivered by Royal Mail this morning, so I did come out on top....having had a full refund from the "shrug my shoulders" seller, the object in question only cost me the £7 fee.

Incidentally, because the seller informed eBay that I - the buyer - had cancelled the order....naughty boy!....all records of the transaction have disappeared! Including my negative feedback on his account, which helps him keep his 99.x% record!
Nice little ploy for sellers, methinks!
Oh...by the way....the package did have my proper name and address on it, the Evri van-drop number and barcode, etc...and a yellow "No Postage" sticker courtesy of Royal Mail. Begs the question how many purchasers buy on the basis that it's "free" p&p, but end up paying a third party for it?!