Does anyone know?

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Knot Competent

Established Member
25 Apr 2004
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How to make rubber moulds?

I need to make quite a few of a small (2" x 1" x 1") simple-shaped item out of epoxy resin, and wonder if anyone has experience in making moulds. I can vaguely remember from decades ago that you could make a mould of rubber over something, then peel it off when it had set and use it to reproduce the item in plaster of paris.

There may be a much simpler way of doing it now - as I said, this was some decades ago!

Regards, John
Cor, thanks Steve!! Just what I need!

Could it be.... ahem!.. that you interest in latex is, how can I put this delicately, more personal than practical? :oops:

I've just realised I'm such a technical whizz-kid that I can't even get one of those emoticons to appear in my text! How sad is that? If I click on one it inserts "oops" in the text, and not a blushing thing. Yes, sad is the word. Will someone clue me please?

Regards, John

Cor again, I'm not as sad as I thought! It works, even for me.

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