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Established Member
5 Apr 2004
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Yeah, I know, they're not Besseys or Gross Stabil, but has anyone used the Urko F-Clamps from Tilgear? They look OK in the pictures, and are a reasonable price, but there's no substitute for experience...

The flexible system is particularly intriguing, could save a lot of money on the longer cramps. Anyone used those versions?


Hi Jake

Welcome to the group.

Jake":3eua33ka said:
Yeah, I know, they're not Besseys or Gross Stabil, but has anyone used the Urko F-Clamps from Tilgear? They look OK in the pictures, and are a reasonable price, but there's no substitute for experience...

The flexible system is particularly intriguing, could save a lot of money on the longer cramps. Anyone used those versions?

I'm a great fan of Bessey clamps but I happened to be looking at the Tilgear "Spring Sale" last night and exactly the same questions crossed my mind. Perhaps someone here has used them.

Sawdust Alley


They look to be much better than the chiawanese or aluminium/cheese versions. 30mm x 8mm solid steel bars, cast iron heads, a clever ram mechanism so no rotating heads, 1000kg pressure, t-bar handles. Tilgear not online obviously, but same product here, just wish that Tilgear had the same prices as this distributor! ... /urko.html

Yeah Besseys are all la-di-dah and would look great on the wall. Actually, from what I've read the PC2s sound better still, even if not the same Norm driven cachet. Prices for either, especially here in the UK, are stupid, though. Fine for a few for panel or box glue-ups, but as a general workshop clamp out of my league. It boils down to 6x30cm Urkos or 1x30cm K-body for same money. Or rather, for what I can afford to spend 24 assorted Urkos or 6 K-bodies.

I think I know which will actually be more useful, although obviously I'll have to bear the drive-by gloating of Bessy owners for the rest of my life, unless I win the lottery.<grimace>


Yeah, only comment I've seen is on groups from Andy Dingley, who seems to like his. Might just have to take the plunge and see.

Jake":31hm6zyc said:
only comment I've seen is on groups from Andy Dingley
A man of, erm, firm opinion. :wink:

Only two possibly problem areas I can think of with them; they might be so stoutly built as to be unwieldy and (a personal one) t-bars drive me nuts. I like the Gross Stabil F clamps myself, but they're the silly money price bracket too. :( Worth a shot - tell us what you think (preferably before the end of June... :wink: )

Cheers, Alf

Also a Bessey-free zone. 8)
A man of, erm, firm opinion.

Couldn't possibly comment, never having met the man. Interesting constructions, though, some of them, so I guess you could be right!


Your reply triggered vague memories of reading this post ... com&rnum=1

and I read too much into your post.

Anyway, enough,and apologies to Andy if he reads this, if he cares.


Yeah, I might drop them an email and see if they'll sell anyway. Not on their turf, so they wouldn't be upsetting any business relationship of theirs (although I spose Tilgear may have an exclusive UK deal and that could mean they'd be wary of upsetting Urko). The prices make it worth a try, though! For the universal system, they seem to want E12.90 for a set of four (x2) jaws, that's £2.20 each, where Tilgear asks £6.50 each. I guess that says something about retailer's mark-ups. I may, of course, have misunderstood their spreadsheet. Think I'll check before posting the Tilgear order, though...
I have lots of URKO clamps and they are excellent.

I find there are subtle diiference between all clamps - and therefore a good reason to buy lots! :lol: However, these Urko clamps are really very good and indeed different from Besseys et al, therefore reason enough to try/buy them. I can guarantee you will not regret buying them

LOL! :lol: I missed that one first time round - I see why you thought of it. :lol:

Cheers, Alf

Who needs the light relief after trawling through 150 US patents this afternoon and still not finding the required one... :roll:

go on then, ive got to ask, you knew somebody would...

Why? :)


Why what? Why did I miss the post the first time? 'Cos I don't read The Wreck religiously I s'pose. Or why might it be applicable to my comment earlier? C'mon, I bet you got that with your sense of humour. :wink:

Or did you mean something else...? :mrgreen:

Cheers, Alf
why oh why oh why

"Who needs the light relief after trawling through 150 US patents this afternoon and still not finding the required one... "

Now that is simply not a throw a way coment :D

Oh, that's what you meant... Silly me. :roll:

In this particular instance I'm trying to track down the patent referred to on my newly cleaned Stanley #901 enclosed ratchet brace. (yes folks, still de-rusting my way through the tool chest. 3 tools down, only [insert large number here] to go :shock: ) Wish you hadn't asked now? :lol:

Cheers, Alf
I have lots of URKO clamps and they are excellent.

I find there are subtle diiference between all clamps - and therefore a good reason to buy lots! However, these Urko clamps are really very good and indeed different from Besseys et al, therefore reason enough to try/buy them. I can guarantee you will not regret buying them

Thanks Chris.

An email's gone to Holland.


t-bars drive me nuts

How come? I kinda like twirling it down with one finger, guess it depends on how smooth the thread is?
The bar always seems to slip through when you don't want it to, and then sticks out and jams against something when you don't. Probably a character flaw. :wink:

Cheers, Alf
Well the Dutch have agreed to quote. Initially they declined, but I pointed out that my local importer doesn't do all of the items I've asked them to quote for and stooped to a "please?" :oops:

Just hope their quote's based on that price list now.

Email back from Holland, with a quote bearing no resemblance at all to the spreadsheet prices. Ah well. At least with Tilgear I'll be forced to add a few bits and pieces to my order.

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