Book wheels roll into life!

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24 Jul 2007
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A while back, in 2015, we had a light hearted conversation around the question of how @sunnybob could make a stand for four phones/tablets.

I helpfully pointed out that there was a totally suitable design from back in the 16th Century, by Agostino Ramelli which would cope with eight:


(see Bookwheel - Wikipedia )

Well, I am pleased to report that a bunch of clever engineers have got together and built not one, but two of these magnificent devices!


Naturally, being modern day engineers, they had to resort to CNC cutting to make the gears, but they the real deal and they work. The full story is here:
And before you ask, Yes, the plans are available online, here: EDGE so there is really no excuse for not making one. Don't put it off for five hundred years!
But Mike, this could be her - think how happy she would be!

She has about 3,000 books in her various libraries around the house with three to five books being read at any given time. I could spend the rest of my life making book wheels. Of course, each new project is an opportunity to buy new tools. I'll have to think about this.
Well, she walked by while I was reading this thread. Her eyes glossed over and said "I like it!" I'm going to need a bigger truck.
She has about 3,000 books in her various libraries around the house with three to five books being read at any given time. I could spend the rest of my life making book wheels. Of course, each new project is an opportunity to buy new tools. I'll have to think about this.
Do you have a CNC already? What an excuse to get one!

I do understand. My wife has a similar number (and I have loads too). I even designed my workbench primarily for building bookcases, which has been the main occupation of my workshop throughout our 52 years of married life! Lately, I have branched out into desks!
What's it for?
It's like the web, but for books. You read one book and get to a place that reminds you of another. You put the second book in your wheel, open at the right page. One thing leads to another. Load up another book. In just the same way that you can have lots of tabs open in your browser and swap between them, this lets you do it with books, with no risk of precious volumes being tipped off the edge of your desk like coins in a penny cascade.

And the gears are cool. I bet Matthias Wandell would like one!
Do you have a CNC already? What an excuse to get one!

I do understand. My wife has a similar number (and I have loads too). I even designed my workbench primarily for building bookcases, which has been the main occupation of my workshop throughout our 52 years of married life! Lately, I have branched out into desks!

I missed this. I don't have a CNC yet, but that and a 3D printer are on my long list of tools to buy.

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