It ia indeed Dave, and it's beginning to look like the start of a journey. As I posted earlier this started as a search for a friends GF's grave so that she could visit, but reading the comments posted I decided to look up my mother's birth.
When my mother was killed the coroner asked me her age, and I replied, '73', at which point there was a commotion at the back of the court and the coroner suspended the sitting.
A relative of mine was waving her arms to attratct my attention and insisted that mum was 76! The rest of the family supported her and that was it!
Mother's mother was born into wealth, mum insisted that the name was Goldstein and that they were German immigrants via Holland. My mother's childhood was unhappy and very poor, same with dad and neither would talk about it so info is sparse.
But the little that I gleaned was that the Golsteins had a very good concert grand piano and they hired my maternal grandfather to tune it as he had perfect pitch.
It was love at first sight between him and the daughter of the house. Unfortunately he was an Irish Catholic!
They married and her father held a funeral service for her.
Such was the little that I know, I still do not, or rather did not till a few minutes ago, even know for certain mum's given names.
It was either Sarah Louise, Sarah Louisa, or the other way about!
The only certain fact I knew was where she was born as she dragged me to the cinema many years ago to watch the film, 'It always rains on Sunday,' as the filming took place in the street where she was born.
Anyway, inspired by the comments here I looked up the birth certificates for all the combinations of age and names, and bingo, out of all the possibles etc only one fits!
The hit came under Sarah Goldstein and 1890! As mum was killed in 1963 she was indeed 73. No other combinations came up and that one showed the home as Bethnal Green, which is correct!
Which as an aside means that mum was 51 when I entered the world!
Having found this it looks as though I have discovered another way of avoiding TV!