You need a two-pronged approach:
Cover the machines with some sort of impermeable membrane. The biggest dustbin liners I can find, if necessary cut open to make sheets, work really well - opened-out, one goes on the bandsaw table, wrapped round like a scarf, and then a normal bag over the top wheel on top of the first bin liner.
I've had really good results with Liberon lubricating wax, and it doesn't seem to cause trouble with finishes either. I wouldn't use furniture polish, because that will be troublesome in due course.
Finally, an issue here but probably not in Cyprus: rust forms from condensation, not humidity. If air that was warm and humid cools in the workshop, that's when there is a problem. It can no longer hold the water, so that drops out as dew.
You won't get condensation (and rust) in the spring as the average temperature warms - the air stays pretty dry. You do get it in the autumn and winter, as the warm outdoor air comes in and is allowed to cool.
There's a good case for throwing open the double doors on really cold, dry days, to dry out the inside of the workshop - the air is actually drier outside, so changing the air, whilst it does make you chilly, will also remove some of the moisture trapped in the building.
I have a small tubular heater under my tool drawers. All it has to do is keep the inside slightly warmer than outside, then condensation can't form. A tiny amount warmer is sufficient.