Backgammon Board Prototype

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Still Learning
17 Nov 2018
Reaction score
North Yorkshire
I'm currently working on a backgammon board. The design needs a couple of tweaks so it's a prototype!

Here's where I am up to on the outside ...

IMG_0144 Large.jpeg

... and on the inside ...

IMG_0154 Large.jpeg

I'm not sure how I should make the stones - turn a single piece and slice them off salami style or cut them individually out of a flat piece of timber with the router and template.

If anyone has done this or something similar before I'd be interested how they tackled it.

I made a wooden connect 4 toy for my nephew a few years back. I found a flat board and a big plug cutter in a pillar drill the most effective means. I tried slicing a dowel but the grain orientation meant the discs were prone to breaking.

Out of interest, what part of the design are you tweaking? It looks fantastic, especially the outer inlays. Beautiful work.
Thanks Graham. I had the same concern about the “salami” method.

There are a few areas that can be improved. The main thing is that the base of the points all have a small gap as I should have made an allowance for the edge being inlaid. No one will notice other than me 😉😂