Axminster are not a sister company of Jet.
Jet / Powermatic / Powermatic in the North American market are part of the WHM Holdings group, based in Switzerland. All Jet products are manufactured in Taiwan and Axminster have had access to some of the Jet and Powermatic products (re-labelled) for many years. In addition the Taiwanese factory have also produced non-Jet products for Axminster.
As far as I'm aware Axminster do have an interest, or perhaps own, Jet UK who are slowly introducing a limited range in the UK. Some products are duplicated - for instance the Axminster cast iron bed jointers are identical to the Jet / Powermatic models, even down to list price. Haven't looked at the bandsaws but would imagine there is a similar degree of product duplication.
My take on the issue is that Axminster wanted to bring in a high end product that could be sold through local outlets across the UK rather than two single outlets for the Axminster range. If you are at the Axminster show next month you will see Axminster and Jet products side by side and no doubt Jet UK managers Brown and Poynton will be in attendance. They are friendly and very approachable.
I think the newly introduced hybrid cabinet tablesaw will be very popular and at £900 - £1,100 is very well priced especially compared to the DeWalt 746 which runs about £3 - 400 more. Cast iron table and wings etc, sliding table option - got to be a good thing.