Anyone built a sauna /wet room?

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Mr.Mika, I am curious about whether in Finland it is common for people to build their own saunas, or do people generally pay a commercial company to install a standard kit?

I am asking because my wife is threatening to turn one half of our (long) garage into a gymnasium and - inspired by this thread - I am thinking of proposing a sauna instead ( at least a sauna will get used occasionally)!
Very common. If you build anything, then a sauna is definitely doable. I'm not much of a builder, I'm more into making furniture using hand tools (which is why follow this forum) , but saunas are simple projects. The most difficult thing which I wouldn't attempt doing myself, is the floor. Floor needs to have a drain, and drain needs to be at the lowest spot, but besides electrics etc that's the only part that requires a pro in my opinion.

People who aren't DIY oriented would have the whole thing built, with kits for the benches. I don't think there are kits for anything else, or at least I can't see the need for any... well stoves are usually bought.

I did some quick googling for sensible instructions in English & found this:
- looks mostly correct to me. Again, good ventilation is very important.

Is your half-garage connected to the rest of the house, and does it have water & plumbing?
thanks very helpful - yes it has electrics, water and plumbing, but I did not consider the drainage. As it happens there is a drain running under the entire length that takes rain water from the front drive to the main drain, but some excavation would be required :).