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27 Nov 2009
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Who uses android phones and whats your favourite app?
My favourite is google sky map followed by my compass and then the shake to answer app. 8)
Whats an app?

Can I get one for my Nokia 5210?
App= application

Its a computer program like MS word. However these days its usually applied to the mini programs available for download on Iphones. Other platforms have got a sniff of the money and have mimicked the Iphone
LuptonM":1ivmtxpz said:
App= application

Its a computer program like MS word. However these days its usually applied to the mini programs available for download on Iphones. Other platforms have got a sniff of the money and have mimicked the Iphone

:lol: I know, but you had that didn't you? :lol:
Just had a session on angry birds, and as you've stated, very addictive. I downloaded a range finding app that I'm hoping will be useful when out shooting, but I've not had chance to test it yet.
Its got to be talking tom. I even paid for the full version- really cracks me up :lol: Shopsavvy's great as well- great for when i buy something then find i could have got it cheaper 5 minutes away. Angry birds is very addictive. I've found if you press the pause button you can restart the level quicker after you have FAILED the ruddy level- all good fun !

I'll be watching this thread with interest, you can never have too many apps :-$

On the desire you have to unlock the phone to answer a call which in the workshop is not ideal on a touch screen phone when you are gluing or painting so the shake to answer is brill you just shake your phone and guess what...I think this is old hat to iphone users.
Instant buttons is a good un if like me you have a childish streak! It's one of the good soundboards, including the Benny Hill theme........

Mark :D
Google Sky, Connect 4, Zombie Run*, Remembeer and Battery Graph

* All the others are fairly self explanatory, but Zombie Run needs explaining. It needs GPS and a data connection. It loads up Google Maps based on your location and asks you for a destination. It then loads up the map with zombies that will track you and try and eat your brains. You have to get to your destination without falling foul of the zombies. Great fun if you've nothing better to do on a Saturday afternoon in a major city.
There's a cracking one called "Tasker" which you can use to program loads of functionality based on events and other things happening.

For example, switch off Wi-Fi during certain hours (eg night time) to save battery

Detect when headphones plugged in an automatically launch music app

Use location services so that if you are home, switch on wi-fi, turn down call volume etc. If you are at work however, switch off wifi, turn ringer up (or off depending where you work etc).

You could also program it to do the "shake and answer" thing that someone else mentioned.

I also use various "to do" lists (superlist being the main one) that allows you keep track of to do lists both on the phone and on the web.

"Lookout" is an anti-virus scanner that scans e-mails and apps being downloaded, especially important given the open source approach to application development.

I also use the "Sky+" app to browse the schedules and set programmes to record if I happen to be out of the house and don't want to miss something.

Favourite games include Angry Birds of course, although one called "Colors" is also a good time-waster. Also like one called Word Up, and also Word Feud, which is a Scrabble game that you can play against friends who also have the app.

Lastly, I use one called CardioTrainer to monitor cycling trips and walking/running - good motivational tool.

Phew, that was a list and a half - I must admit I'm a huge fan of Android, I have a Desire myself.

Also, I'm also a freelance developer and intending to get into Android app development, so if anyone has spotted anything that they think is missing, let me know and I'll see if I can come up with something.
I installed one last night that appears to work really well - Alarm Clock Plus (free version)

Amongst other things it lets you set it so that to switch off or snooze and alarm you must correctly answer a maths question of selected difficulty. You can also select how many questions you have to answer.

Another app I use regularly when I go geocaching is Geobeagle
InvoiceMe - is a great app, can invoice a client there and then after you have done a job.
Google Goggles unbelievably clever. A quick explanation, you take a snap shot of the object i.e. book title, brand name, or even it's bar code. Goggle then analyzes the picture and gives you all the info of the object, where it can be bought etc etc. great at telling you what drugs the doctor trying to fob you off with :) or if your browsing Currys-Commet looking for the best deal on a new TV, just analyze the bar code then it will tell you where to get the best buy. :)

You might get chucked out of ASDA or TESCO if you go around checking the bar codes.... not by the management but by your better halves who will soon get fed up with you saying you can get that cheaper at Morrisons :)

you can download it here
Navfree , free sat nav on iphone , i tried the first version of this and it was not so clever but the latest version is great , full sat nav for free with all the benefits of much more expensive ones :wink:

Oh and angry birds / ninjump can waste your day away i speak from experience :oops: :oops:
Do you know about apps related to woodworking, such a shrinkage calcuator or wood movement? I'm going to buy a smart phone in the next future and I'm still deciding between Android and Iphone.
eggflan":1n49s9dx said:
Navfree , free sat nav on iphone , i tried the first version of this and it was not so clever but the latest version is great , full sat nav for free with all the benefits of much more expensive ones :wink:

Oh and angry birds / ninjump can waste your day away i speak from experience :oops: :oops:

What's ninjump? I can't find it on the market..

I love Google Navigation - fantastic (free) app which in addition to being pretty good at the basic stuff gives you three choices or route and allows you to review the street view of any section of the route etc.

I use EZCam for speed detection - this is for a small fee - which can use one of the best databases I know of (Pocket GPS World) and runs in the background popping over Google Nav when you're about to pass a camera pointingy your way.

Love the augemnted reality app Wheres the Tube

WeatherBug and Rain Watch seem good for weather, BBC News is a nice app and Tricorder is just silly. Also Silly is Moron Test (free) which takes a little while to work through (say an hour or so).


Miles , Ninjump is on the free iphone apps in the apps store , your a little ninja running up buildings trying not to die :lol: :lol:

Its worth a look and is free :wink:
eggflan":hezl6nst said:
Miles , Ninjump is on the free iphone apps in the apps store , your a little ninja running up buildings trying not to die :lol: :lol:

Its worth a look and is free :wink:

Ah I see - but this thread was about Adroid not iphone which is what foxed me :)

Sound fun though - hopefully it will come over soon.

Big Sport Fishing is a good one for any anglers (I'm not one btw) but it's a good time waster. :D
