Anatomy for beginners

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7 Aug 2003
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Saw a great use for a Fein Multimaster on C4 tonight. Don't think I'll be getting one to use in that situation....

Noel, who, after the, how shall I say, initial unwrapping (?) found it quite interesting. Part 2 tomorrow night.
Good program Noel, really enjoyed it. My wife is a nursing sister and a secialist in acute pain control so we will be watching evry episode :wink:
Thought this was the most interesting thing I've seen on the box in a long time - had a real RI Xmas Lectures feel to it.

SWMBO did two years as a med student, and always took great pleasure in relaying the details of the morning anatomy class to all and sundry - for best effect in a restaurant within earshot of other tables :twisted:
Noely":a15nfpjl said:
Saw a great use for a Fein Multimaster on C4 tonight. Don't think I'll be getting one to use in that situation....

For those of us that don't have a television care to elborate.

Drat, I forgot about it. :( Better tie a knot in my hanky.

Vince":14e10sv1 said:
had a real RI Xmas Lectures feel to it
Watch out, I'm off down memory lane again... I used to do some voluntary work in the RI's library, and can well remember picking my way over the telly cables every December. Fascinating place, especially the labs where they put together the demonstration experiments, but d'you know I never saw a single lecture? :oops: Stepped over Carole Vorderman in a corridor while carrying one of Michael Faraday's notebooks though, which is a bit of a claim to fame. (The notebook bit, not the Vorderman obviously. :wink: ) The library's pretty cool. Borrowed a book on forensic pathology from it once, which remarkably brings me virtually back on topic*...

Cheers, Alf

*Is this the wrong though, seeing as it's the off-topic board? Discuss. :lol:
Watch out. There were two naked blokes on last night. One was very healthy and the other was - well - a bit deadish. Might be a new healthy person on tonight. I imagine the deadish bloke will still be hanging about, so to speak.

Noel. ah - forensic pathology and hand tools - Yes, I see the connection....
Well the guy wasn't using it for skin - he used a knife for that - he was cutting out the spinal cord with it.
Just realised I missed tonights' episode. Tony, Vince, Alf - any good?

Noely":10eqqsp7 said:
Well the guy wasn't using it for skin - he used a knife for that - he was cutting out the spinal cord with it.
Just realised I missed tonights' episode. Tony, Vince, Alf - any good?


Yeah! They concentrated on the chest cavity and Gunther removed the whole of the front section from adam's apple to pelvis. Lungs and heart were featured which was particularly interesting to me as I have carried out research on the heart and lecture on it's intricacies (especially electrical activity) :wink:

Lungs were astounding. Looked like plates of blancmange until Gunther attached a pump to the wind pipe and inflated them - man they expand :shock:

Todays program concentrates on the digestive tract from mouth to anus including everything in between
Excellent programme - highlight for me was the plastinated circulatory system they showed about halfway through. Basically, a red liquid polymer was pumped through a cadaver and left to set, then the body was dissolved in an enzyme bath leaving a 3D map of the entire body's network of veins and arteries.

During the dissection of the heart, Dr Von Haagens used what I can only describe as a surgical machette :shock: which cut like a hot knife through butter. THAT is a sharp tool ! :p

My wife has commented favourably on the clarity of the presentations, which seem to be far better than what she experienced as a first year med student.
highlight for me was the plastinated circulatory system they showed about halfway through. Basically, a red liquid polymer was pumped through a cadaver and left to set, then the body was dissolved in an enzyme bath leaving a 3D map of the entire body's network of veins and arteries.

..followed by a glass of Chianti? :shock:
Hah - that takes me back... Surgical machete?? In my first degree, many moons ago, we walked into the lab one day to find that we each had a tupperware on the bench.

"Open them", said the lecturer. We did, and out popped a human brain in each one.

"OK, now pick up your brain knives from under the bench". 'Wow, cool', I thought - 'these are gonna be some sort of mega technical surgical horrorshow blade'. Aha - so a brain knife is a machete, is it? How disappointing.... Did a good job on the brain though...