Chris (waterhead) posted this link about carving quite a while ago....
This got me a bit interested, and I managed to visit Chris today. Chris very kindly spent a whole day showing me the basics, and I proudly returned home with a 'showpiece' which suitably impressed SWMBO.
I never knew how hard carving was to do well, each mistake seems to glare out depending the angle of the lights, but I managed a passable attempt in the end.
Chris patiently showed me how to do the corners over and over, and it kind of sunk in, in the end. Switching to holding the chisel with your right hand, and clumping it with a mallet in my left hand took some getting used to as well!
Thanks once again.....
Me before realising how difficult it was....
Me after 6 hours (is that is? I hear you ask?)
Not only did I have a lovely day out, Chris wife supplied sandwiches as well. Thanks to you both.
This got me a bit interested, and I managed to visit Chris today. Chris very kindly spent a whole day showing me the basics, and I proudly returned home with a 'showpiece' which suitably impressed SWMBO.
I never knew how hard carving was to do well, each mistake seems to glare out depending the angle of the lights, but I managed a passable attempt in the end.
Chris patiently showed me how to do the corners over and over, and it kind of sunk in, in the end. Switching to holding the chisel with your right hand, and clumping it with a mallet in my left hand took some getting used to as well!
Thanks once again.....
Me before realising how difficult it was....
Me after 6 hours (is that is? I hear you ask?)
Not only did I have a lovely day out, Chris wife supplied sandwiches as well. Thanks to you both.