A phenomenon = heavy hair


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Established Member
29 Jul 2017
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Cornwall UK
I have come to the conclusion that there is a curious phenomenon re hair as you grown older

It appears that hair gets increasingly heavier the older you get

How else can you explain the way that hair stops growing out of your scalp and grows ever faster out of your ears and nostrils ;-)

A few short weeks and I swear you could do a Rapunzel on ear & nose hairs
whatknot":1x398mpn said:
I have come to the conclusion that there is a curious phenomenon re hair as you grown older

It appears that hair gets increasingly heavier the older you get

How else can you explain the way that hair stops growing out of your scalp and grows ever faster out of your ears and nostrils ;-)

A few short weeks and I swear you could do a Rapunzel on ear & nose hairs

You're forgetting back hair too. :shock: :lol: :lol: :lol:
You need to find a Turkish barber.
I have my ear and nasal hair removed by waxing every 5 weeks.
It STINGS :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock:
But is much appreciated afterwards by 'er indoors when she makes me dress up to go out 8) 8)
I took my friend to my barbers, he had been complaining of going deaf in one ear.
When he ripped the wax out of that ear, everybody in the room jumped. It was like heavy duty velcro. :shock:
Then the barber toured the shop, showing everybody how much hair was stuck to the wax =D> =D> =D>

He made out it didnt hurt, but we all knew better.
Dont know why, but he hasnt visited since :lol: Although his hearing has improved.

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