A Bit Of Lettering


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Established Member
11 Feb 2004
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Trying to stay in one piece in South Wales
Did this as my first project in my woodcarving class.
Thought it came out rather well although there are some obvious things that aren't so good if I was to take a closer photo.
Anyway, this is a sign to go above the door of my workshop that used to be the milkman's stables about 80-90 years ago and so the building is known to us as 'The Stables.


Wood is oak, finish is a few coats of danish oil.
Nice sign and a possible drive by with the Record boat anchor in the box, did you really need to use that to hold the sign up?:roll: :wink:

The gloat was not quite as it should be, you should have the plane in the background not the box, haven't you learnt anything from Philly.

As for the sign, very good indeed.
Re the drive by:
It is very easy to understate a drive by and you nearly did this time.
Pitching the correct degree of subtlety/unsubtlety is only acheived by constant practise and diligent worship at the foot of the Master.
That said, very good effort and the sign is not bad either.....
Martin (neophyte gloatmeister in waiting) :)
Great sign--and gloat! The centerlines in the carving look very even, very nice and crisp.

That Philly does have an influence on us all :lol:

Take care, Mike
Thank you all.
I can't really say how long it took as I did it over a few weeks at evening class.

Glad I've successfully taken the first step on the path to becoming a Gloati Master. "The farce is strong with this one." :wink: I shall continue to watch and learn from The Master.

Waka, like this maybe?


Oops! I forgot the sign. :shock:
Just been looking in while my 4 year old daughter sat on my knee. Saw the picture of the 405 and I asked her "Do you like the picture of the plane?" "Yes" she said. Good girl I think. But when I ask why she likes it she replied "Errm, because it flies?" :roll:
mudman":3v9basck said:
Just been looking in while my 4 year old daughter sat on my knee. Saw the picture of the 405 and I asked her "Do you like the picture of the plane?" "Yes" she said. Good girl I think. But when I ask why she likes it she replied "Errm, because it flies?" :roll:
Now that's precious!

When one of our children would say something like that, my dad would smile and call it a "pearl of wisdom."

Take care, Mike