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  1. M

    Did anyone watch can't count?

    There was a story a few months back that some bookies were trialling decimal odds because younger punters couldn't work out fractions. So 3/2 becomes 1.5/1. The irony of that for me is, when I was at school, my maths teacher who followed the turf with more than a keen interest used horse betting...
  2. M

    2 Woodwork pieces from New York.

    The cabinet reminds me of Bruce Talbert who used organic forms in his designs. I've restored quite a lot of art and craft and gothic revival furniture, but wouldn't want to live with it. The desk looks a bit like a diorama of the city. Americans are very fond of dioramas.
  3. M

    Trade names

    Patty O'Furniture Your Place or Pine
  4. M

    old rustic look

    You can distress furniture by putting a handful of large nuts and bolts into a stout canvas bag or corner of a sack and give the piece a good going over. Make sure you wear some gardening or welding gloves in case it bounces back and whacks your knuckles. Caustic soda is good for toning down...
  5. M

    resizing photos

    It's called batch processing. A little subroutine that handles the same operation on selected files.
  6. M

    When I Rule the World.....

    ^ And any survivors eaten. :wink:
  7. M

    irish jokes

    We call them Kerry-men jokes. I think I've heard em' all. :wink: Anyway. Q. What's the difference between an Irish wedding and Irish wake? A. About one pint of Guinness.
  8. M

    When I Rule the World.....

    Yes I can. The ref and linesmen will be dinosaurs.
  9. M

    Teaching woodwork to school kids

    Sad thing is, the kids will be the least of your problems and see it for what it is. They'll hang on your every word and have fun making things while learning new skills at the same time. It's the parents, teachers groups, insurance Co's and local government nabobs that will be having the vapors.
  10. M

    When I Rule the World.....

    Oh, and I'd proclaim a "Shaking Stevens" fan amnesty. But when they all come of the woodwork and think it's all clear, I'd go back on my word and feed them to the dinos. Just because I can.
  11. M

    When I Rule the World.....

    Looks like you've got fight on your hands your highness. Young pretenders popping up everywhere. :lol:
  12. M

    When I Rule the World.....

    My first act would be to bring back dinosaurs (only the carnivorous ones mind you) and let them loose. That would cure the growing obesity and aging population problem in a stroke. Everyone left would be issued a little spear and would have to get organised and cooperate if they wanted dinner.
  13. M

    Amy Williams

    Nice bum. :wink:
  14. M

    What's your favourite word?

    I have two. Sybarite. Irascible.
  15. M

    pho to shop 3

    ^ As a Linux user I've only ever used Gimp. So I find most other photo software quirky and irrational by comparison. :lol: You can customise the layout and dock all your tools and stuff in one window, then do your work in the main work area. Give GIMPshop a spin if you want a more familiar...
  16. M

    pho to shop 3

    ^^ Yes, The Gimp handles psd files no problem. You can open and save as .psd. Used to need a plugin but it's included with the main package now. You'll only have a problem if a layer has some weird filter effect which Gimp doesn't recognise. Gimp can do most things you'll ever reasonably need to...
  17. M

    pho to shop 3

    There are some very good free options around that can handle most day to day image manipulation jobs. They are comparable with most of the popular file formats. Check out The Gimp for bitmap images. Or Inkscape for vector graphics. And there's K-3D for your 3-D design projects. They're...
  18. M

    Teaching woodwork to school kids

    Makes you wonder how we survived? By the time I was twelve (1972), we were casting aluminum copies of action man and I made a set of forged cold chisels and G-Clamps. All in nothing more protective than school uniform. Just make sure YOU are fully covered. The kids will love it. :wink:
  19. M

    Teaching woodwork to school kids

    s'How I got started. :lol: Seriously, check your insurance.
  20. M

    I don't know what I'd do with it, but...

    ^ You could get it to make you a bigger shed and change your name to Arthur "two sheds" Jackson. Mrs Smudger would be overcome with pride. :D