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  1. B

    bendy 4mm ply

    i am aware of bendy (or bananna) ply but it looks rubbish. All I want is what last year was 'normal' 4mm birch ply.
  2. B

    bendy 4mm ply

    hi I work in a school and for several years we have been using 4mm birch ply for laminating because it was good and bendy. We have just recieved our new stock of 4mm ply but it will not bend. Looking at the edge of the ply it appears to be made from 5 layers with every other one being a very...
  3. B

    ok, I'm inspired...

    can't remember what they are called but you are right they do hinge together.
  4. B

    Competition WIP - Rocking Chair

    tweeked a bit..... I'll probably add a small curve to the seat as well.
  5. B

    Competition WIP - Rocking Chair

    The chair is not shown at rest, it is in the rocked forward position. The red dot shows the center of gravity (not sure about the arrows!) so when at rest the chair would be rocked back. The strips will be laminated, i am curently making samples which i will post later today. Weighing in...
  6. B

    Competition WIP - Rocking Chair

    i'll have a go at that back rest, reckon a few curves ought to sort it out! back to the drawing board ps. the arms are in the right place but the render does seem to have done something strange with the shadow.
  7. B

    Competition WIP - Rocking Chair

    Isn't it funny i have scoured the internet but i've not seen that design before. I do see what you mean, hopefully playing about with the model will help me sort out these problems.
  8. B

    Competition WIP - Rocking Chair

    Well i think i may have bitten off more than i can chew here but i'm going to give it a go anyway. To start off here is the original brief. "Level: Intermediate (probably) Brief: A rocking chair on the theme of a pair of flowing lines." I do not want to make a traditional style of chair or...
  9. B


    couldn't you do something like this? (for the binnacle) ... hp?t=32072 would have thought the gimble would be easier out of ply though.
  10. B

    A pair of butter pats

    forgot to say. they are for my mother in law.
  11. B

    A pair of butter pats

    I think thats what they are called! I saw one once on a market in france and have made these from memory. I think they may be too wide but that is easily solved! Started with a nice bit of beach and planed it down. Made a tool from an old tennon saw (using a notching machine with a fence...
  12. B

    Trug / basket

    It is made from Oak. The handle is laminated (5 layers) and joined to the sides by a large dovetail which i left proud of the surface to make a feature of it. The slats across the bottom are held in place by home made 10mm oak dowels which i have wedged with walnut wedges (sorry not sure what...
  13. B

    Trug / basket

    how do long untill i pass the spam trap?
  14. B

    Trug / basket

    I've been calling this a basket but a few people who have seen it say trug. I made it as an excuse to try out some joint ideas i had and it is to go to the allotment to collect vegetables in. This is the first time i have shared anything i have made so take it easy!
  15. B

    Long term plan

    hi not sure if this is the right place to put this but anyway... I'm thinking about planting some trees, i thought some which could be left to get nice and big and some which could be coppiced for smaller poles (broomstickish size). not got the space for a woods they will probably have to be in...