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  1. G

    bosch table saw

    hi , help needed, my Bosch GTS10 table saw has just stopped working ! The bushes and armature started sparking and pushing out alot of smoke, i stopped useing it , checked bushes witch seemed ok. put them back in , started it up for about 5 seconds and it dyed! im not sure about the...
  2. G

    Not really woodworking - Stud wall and Plasterboard advice

    the P/b should be 3 to 5 mm back from finished connecting wall. the rule of thumb is to put stud work 15mm , 16mm back if using 12.5 p/b.
  3. G

    Window Tooling for Amateurs???

    i've used this set to make windows and doors, It's tricky to do the first one, and takes a bit of time, but after that it all gets easier. For the frames I used normal router bits..[url]
  4. G

    triton MOF001 router

    hi. I was under the impression that you could not get hold of triton routers any more, (new from a dealer). Also spares, I've got a couple of problems with my small triton router. Any info would be great.. Problem one: the couret (the whole spinny bit has a very small twist init, so bits...
  5. G

    Seeking a professional furniture maker

    hi, out of interested is it all furniture or is there stairs and paneling and Architectural joinery?? you be a Architect and all?? .
  6. G

    Shed wood

    COUNCIL FOR THE DEFENCE:! I'm a joiner / carpenter/ builder, I go to the B+Q in farnborough alot, (It's one of the big ones it's massive), comparded to travis p , jewsons and the others it's far cheaper , plaster, sand , cement. screws and gripfill are half the price... the tools are o.k...
  7. G

    external door making

    Also look here.... ... 99-267.htm I brought these (from the states) I can't seem to find them in europe, and they where great saved loads of time , cutting both sides of the door at the same time. and the tenon aswell, also can be used for side lights and...
  8. G

    external door making

    hi. I've made loads of doors and windows and stuff, mainly for listed buildings where i've had to copy an existing rotten one, nearly always in oak. I got a lot of info from this web site only thing is you might have to join to get access to the articles...
  9. G

    Wanted no more band saw picked up today - pics

    I thought the Besato4 was really bad it didn't resaw at all,, It really didn't resaw 6" of green oak without complaining about it. All the other stuff it did all right. For a bandsaw with such a big thoat of cut it really should do better. also the design of the rollers or disc's was rubbish it...
  10. G

    Wanted no more band saw picked up today - pics

    yes I need a depth cut of 220 plus, I had a Scheppach BASATO 4 , which I thought was rubbish, it could just about cut 150mm of green oak very slowly. wasn't inpressed at all with it. I need to rip oak sleepers down, for the work I do..
  11. G

    Wanted no more band saw picked up today - pics

    I'm also in the market for a new bandsaw soon, I like the look of both of the axminster ones, but I'm also only on a 13A supply. What I'd like to know is, I'm after one that will cut green oak 220mm wide, so I can make my own book marked panels.. will either of these two rip a piece like that...
  12. G

    UK OAK

    I've since found out that the delivery changes for where I live are a bit high ( which is fair enough) , so unless buying alot it doesn't really work out..
  13. G

    Problems with planer thicknesser

    just to confirm what others have said , clean beds really well and the rollers, little wax on the bed or a spray polish if you like, I had a jet thicknesser that made a kluk kluk kluk sound and the timber would stop or slow, turned out to be the drive chain lose so it was jumping on the teeth...
  14. G

    UK OAK

    sorry I'm not really interested in the kiln dried board stuff, it was more the 3 year old dried oak beams.. I know the moisture will not be down to 10-12 but for what I do I think it will be just right.. I think
  15. G

    Fine Woodworking site.

    I personally think it's a fantastic site, if you join , no end of great info , years worth of articles and videos. if you delve in there's so much in there, and like said the fine homebuilding is pretty good as well. Also with the exchange rate it's not much to pay for a year ( I think).
  16. G

    UK OAK

    If so am I missing something. Their prices seem pretty close to others to me. OH maybe I'm missing some ink? The dried oak is about what I pay for soaking wet green oak, around these parts'' because of the jobs I've been doing I buy quite a lot..
  17. G

    UK OAK

    Hi . It was this link that dave s got right. It looks great like I said.. I look at the E-bay one that was posted as well looks o.k, but a bit of a trip for me! maybe if someone close to it on this forum checks it out, and give a report???!!! any way any one used the uk...
  18. G

    UK OAK

    Hi I came across this web site the other day , it looks really good and has some really good and cheap deals on dried out oak beams and boards. I mean really cheap! am I missing something? has anyone used them before? Is it less tax? I know you can't choose through the timber which is a bummer...
  19. G

    Directions for Mike's Oak on Saturday IMPORTANT UPDATE

    Hi. sorry but can someone explain how much a cubic foot is? I really only work in metric and even then not in cubic amounts? just 2x4 x 2.4 metres , for example. I'm trying to work out much allocation ??
  20. G

    Garage workshop advice needed

    Hi I'm looking in to doing more sound proofing in my work shop, but does any one know weather celotex or soft insulation is better as a sound stopper? I'm probably going to double plasterboard the walls as that will help alot.