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  1. Drea

    Image Required. Pencil Artist Required

    Might not be what you're after, but if you can find a big enough photo you might be able to 'shop something close. Ah, beaten to it :roll:
  2. Drea

    Wizer - is it on or is it off

    Well, if you insist. Back from the Dead by Spinal Tap. Did you pick up my coat IB?
  3. Drea

    credit card. anyone here with trade knowledge?

    I think you might be on to something DW. I found your PIN on this site. Don't worry though, I won't tell anyone
  4. Drea

    finding edges in photoshop

    Something else that might work. Image > Adjustments > Brightness/Contrast > fiddle until there's as much difference between your shape and the background as possible. Layer > Duplicate Layer Filter > Blur > Gaussian Blur > Set radius to 1.0 pixels > Ok In the layers panel, change the blend...
  5. Drea

    Chunky piece of rubber

    Ice hockey pucks are around 3"x1" and made of hard rubber. You could probably pick up a couple on fleabay for not many quid.
  6. Drea

    foam making stuff.

    It certainly does.
  7. Drea

    Have we any geologists here? Now with photos.

    Yup, that'll be down to the volume calculation. It's easier to work out for a sphere than a random blob. The happy part is that kinetic energy changes linearly with mass (half the mass, half the energy). So the real answer might closer to 1 or 2 tons of TNT.
  8. Drea

    Have we any geologists here? Now with photos.

    Exactly. There's a few assumptions, but it'll not be far from the truth. Assumptions: Sphere, 12” diameter Density of iron meteorite: 8g/cm^3 Velocity of meteorites: 20,000m/s So, the mass of the thing is volume*density. Volume of a sphere is 4*pi*radius^3 / 3 = 940in^3 or 14827cm^3. So mass...
  9. Drea

    Have we any geologists here? Now with photos.

    I'm pretty sure it's not a meteorite Mike. A quick back of the envelope suggests that if it was a meteorite, it would have had energy similar to about 5 tons of TNT when it hit. :shock: That'll leave a pretty big hole and probably not much meteorite left. Cheers, Drea
  10. Drea

    Heater Hose for old Montego

    I can't give you a specific answer, but you might have more luck asking here Cheers, Drea
  11. Drea

    Acoustic Guitar Project - Complete

    Wow Philly, that's gorgeous. I love how it's got the hips of a guitar but the shoulders of a double bass, and it already looks 100 years old :D Top quality mate.
  12. Drea

    Ideas Requested Please - 50 year Timeline

    I'd start here, but it might take a while :shock:
  13. Drea

    Korina/Maple/Mahogany fretless bass

    Cheers p111dom The twisted neck's a really interesting idea. As I understand it, the purpose is to prevent tendinitis/carpal tunnel by forcing a more natural wrist shape at the far end of the neck. It also looks great, but I can't quite figure out the mechanics of the construction. I've read...
  14. Drea

    Korina/Maple/Mahogany fretless bass

    Cheers :D The balance is fine sitting down. I haven't put on any strap buttons yet (I might not ever), so I don't know what the standing balance is like. It shouldn't be too bad because the top horn is around where the 12th fret would be. I wasn't one of my design considerations though. I...
  15. Drea

    Korina/Maple/Mahogany fretless bass

    Argh, Status Quo!! I haven't forgiven them since I went to see them on their final tour... in 1983! And don't worry, I'm not about to go on a Wadkin frenzy. I haven't got the spare cash and I don't even have workshop space at the mo'. For this build, I did all the routing/sawing/sanding outside...
  16. Drea

    Korina/Maple/Mahogany fretless bass

    #Philly: The Korina came from a guy on another forum. He seems to buy a large board, make something from a portion of it and sell on sawn blanks. I'll see if I can find out where he got it from originally. #Damian: Heh, it didn't seem speedy to me. The whole thing took around 4 months of...
  17. Drea

    Korina/Maple/Mahogany fretless bass

    Thanks gents. #Mark: It's not a traditional body shape. I made half a dozen polystyrene prototypes before I settled on the final shape. I like pushing the boat out a bit. #Mick: The body wood was sold as Korina and I think that means White Limba, but I'm not certain. The neck is maple and...
  18. Drea

    Korina/Maple/Mahogany fretless bass

    After a gap of 25 years, this is my first venture back into woodworking since my school days. I used to play bass for a living, so this seemed like a good place to start. I've enjoyed myself so much doing it that I find myself standing on an inclined plane with a surprisingly low coefficient...
  19. Drea

    Black Bison lid

    That's all right then :) Maybe the hole's for a wick, for a bit more light in the workshop :lol:
  20. Drea

    Black Bison lid

    Just picked up a 500ml tin of Black Bison clear on Ebay to wax my nearly finished bass guitar (I should post some pics sometime). The thing is, the lid's got a pinhole right in the centre and I don't know if it's supposed to be there (does wax need to breathe?). Should I leave it as is? I've...