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  1. L


    Hi I'll rephrase my question Why are an odd number of laminations more stable that an even number? The reason I ask is that I have never followed this rule and never had any problem LG
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    Hi I notice in an article by Marc Fish in the latest F&C that he suggests that one should always have an odd number of laminates when laminating, why is this? LG
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    Is it me that's out of touch?.

    Hi Rich I think it was a mistake to mention that the teacher was Jamaican, it is irrelevant and just exposes your predjudices. I think you are mistaking religion with history. The reason the Bible is important is that it gives a framework for making ethical decisions, like euthanasia etc. It...
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    19mm dowel ?

    I know it's a bit late in the day and not very helpful, but I would have got the dowel before drilling the hole! LG
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    Books on sketchup

    Hi Even with help from Dave R. I still find sketchup difficult, so I have decided I need a book. Can anyone suggest a good tutor book on sketchup. LG
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    If you are short of work

    Hi Dan Is the new image from your days as a stand up comic! LG
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    Missing tools

    Hello I ordered some tools from Classic Hand Tools online on 5th September, still haven't got them. Is this usual? LG