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  1. digazz

    Sugar, i've done it now...

    Good choice Steve. I bought that lathe last year, and love it. I't will really improve your turning. Are you getting the out rigger with it?. The only 2 problems i have with it are the price of buying a bed extension, and the stand can't be bolted to the floor, but the latter is only a problem...
  2. digazz

    sharpening question

    You might get away with it. I have the Sorby pro edge belt sander, but i think that the sandin belt are made of a special material (something oxide?????). i'd have to check when i get back to the workshop..
  3. digazz

    Rotten, wormy and holey

    Fair Play, That was some tricky turning. I'm working on a piece of wood similar to that, but it's going to be a lamp, cos i don't have the guts to go inside the wood. I'd be afraid i'd be wearing it... Great finish on a tough piece
  4. digazz

    Why I bother to wear a dust mask

    It kinda scares you. I often don't bother to put on a mask, cos it fog s up the goggles.
  5. digazz

    Bowl for Critique - and Wood ID ?

    looks great. love the pattern on the wood. Not well up on wood type's, doesn't help when your a telecoms engineer and not a carpenter/cabinetmaker. :oops: Where do you get your wood supply from :?:
  6. digazz

    Competition entrants

    I'd love to try it, if the Irish lad's are allowed to enter..
  7. digazz

    Responding to Wizer's reminder!

    great work Phil. very artistic. did you do the routing freehand or did you use a jig. I have major problems using a router even on the easyist lines/curves.
  8. digazz

    Been Busy... Critiques please

    Thanks Boysie.. YOur right, It can be boring just seeing piesces that are always the same. Greggy, I made those pens for my wife, I told her that i shaped them like a woman. Thankfully she didn't get offended.
  9. digazz

    Been Busy... Critiques please

    Thanks Wizer. I wasn't happy with the design of the bowl. Unfortunately i seem to never plan what i expect to come out of the wood, before i start. I turn away and try and find it as i go along. That bowl to me (before i started) was all about the markings on the wood and how to keep them in the...
  10. digazz

    Been Busy... Critiques please

    Thanks Jenx. I don't have an eccentric chuck. I had the piece screwed to a faceplatet, urned the top section, and then losened the screws holding the wood and stuck a wedge in on one side to off balance the wood. After it was turned i handsanded the stem to tke away the sharp lines to try and...
  11. digazz

    Been Busy... Critiques please

    I'm fed up of my wife been the only one who comments on the stuff i make. And i don't know any woodturners locally to get tips or advice, i depend on this site (thanks). So any criticism or tips on improving weither bad or good would be appreciated.
  12. digazz

    Been Busy... Critiques please

    Here is a bowl i made. Don't know what the wood is. Its about 4"x7". Two goblets, first two i've made. used off cuts from the newl post from our cherry stairs. Finish didn't turn out the best on the one on the left. Friction polish went a bit gloopy And finally my first two attempts at...
  13. digazz

    April's pens...

    Love the pen's. How did you make the polyester resin?. can you buy it as a kit?, or is ther a way of making them up?. I've seen the blanks for sale but would like to be able to make up my own blanks.
  14. digazz

    what to fill a crack with...

    Thanks lads for the info.
  15. digazz

    what to fill a crack with...

    how did the coffe grounds and the glue work out?. does the coffee stain the glue brown??. what was it like to turn and finish?
  16. digazz

    what to fill a crack with...

    I'm making lamp, from what i think is spalted beech, but there was a bit of rot in it. And there is a large valley running from the Base to the top (before it narrows in to the neck). I was wondering if anyone had any idea's of what i could fill it with before i finish it off. Also i think it...
  17. digazz

    Heat in Workshop

    one winters night, getting fed up going out for a smoke with the lad's in the freezing cold, we sat in the garage all night and drank and smoked while the patio heater was on (on low setting). opened the roller door of the garage to vent the room. didn't find a problem with it..
  18. digazz

    Heat in Workshop

    has anyone considered putting in a small wood burning stove, and buring off there sawdust and off cut's. I have used the patio heater in my garage, took the gas tank out of the lower body, dropped the top down so the top is only at shoulder level. warmed the place right up, and it didn't take...
  19. digazz

    Merry Christmas.

    Like to sa thanks as a newbie for all the help and advice, and wish ye all a Happy Christmas and hope ye'll have a Turning New Year, from all here in the green Isle
  20. digazz

    best wood for a mortar and pestle

    what is the best wood easy enough to find, for making a mortar and pestle, and what would you finish it off in,