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  1. Pete Wild

    Router table / router question

    Hi all, I am pretty new to routers and router tables but have a question. I bought my router a while ago and router table more recently, but I have a couple of questions regarding mounting the two together. Firstly, please excuse my terminology, I don't know the correct names for things, so...
  2. Pete Wild

    Router bits advice please

    Hello all, after a bit of advice on router bits. Hope this is the correct forum section, couldn't see one dedicated to routers etc Anyway, I've had need to rebuild a step on my Daughters stairs and need to bullnose said step. It's approx 33mm in thickness and after a quick Google, I 'think' I...
  3. Pete Wild

    Keen DIY'er who........

    ........sometimes needs some advice about alternatives and better ways to do stuff. Keen to improve my woodworking skills, ATM its router and router tables Im playing with.