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  1. K

    Fitting a wood burner

    Hi, There is a new reg coming in on the 1st of Sept... all outbuildings, boats etc that have a new wood burner fitted have to use double wall, insulated flue pipes exiting the structure - single is fine internally but, where it passes through the roof it has to be double wall now (apparently to...
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    lamborghini power tools?!

    Hi, Not so sure about their power tools but, Lambo started off as a tractor maker and I'm pretty sure they still are and from having had a drive of one, they aren't half bad! I guess a tractor could kind of pass as a power tool?!? David
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    I think a wiki type site, user collated and edited information would be great. One thing I have learnt while learning woodwork is that there is always more than one way to do something and different appraoches suit different people - it would be interesting to be able to read through different...
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    XY, It sounds like you are proposing something along the lines of a Wikipedia for wood - woodipedia I guess!. Is this the sort of thing you are thinking of? David
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    Stumpy Woe

    Morning, Poplar stumps can be a bit of a pain to deal with as they are amazingly good at growing back, leave them a year and you will have nice big poplar bushes growing from the stumps. Digging round them and trying to cut them below ground may work but I have a suspicion they will still...
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    Might have to call it a day...

    Hi, Just read this thread with interest, there has been some fantastic advice put forward and just thought I'd make a wee suggestion too. I started my business up 18 months ago too, had a web site done and optimised for search engines which bought me a few jobs and kept me ticking over quite...
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    David Hockney's wood

    Hi, I was just listening to PM on Radio 4 on my way home, they had this article on there with an interview with someone from the forestry commission - he made a really good case for the felling work and for the regeneration / re planting of the copse - and expressed his sympathy for David...
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    Polar Bears and 3 phase!!!

    Hello there, Perishing isn't it! All of a sudden paperwork seems preferable to being in the workshop - am sure that won't last! Phase converter... I picked up a load of three phase start rite kit and it runs really well from a phase converter plugged into a standard power outlet. I can't...
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    Lathe Newbie! Technical hicup!

    Hello! Well, first off I must admit I know absolutely nothing about turning or lathes but I've been lead into turning by happy chance and I'm really keen to get going and start learning - one slight issue though! To cut a long story short (and to try really hard not to sound too smug!)... A...
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    Framesaw blades

    Hi, I don't know if it helps at all but was just perusing Rutland's catalogue and they have a couple of frame saws in there and just blades for them on their own if the frames aren't quite right for what you have in mind
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    Startrite k210

    Dave, I've just been looking for some Startrite spares for one of my machines... emailed Startrite, they put me on to ALT Saws and spares... they seem pretty helpful. Dave
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    Startrite 18-S-5 Bandsaw... Help needed!

    I shall be checking first thing in the morning! Thanks!
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    Startrite 18-S-5 Bandsaw... Help needed!

    Bob, Thanks very much for the info... fingers crossed that chap will be able to help. I managed to get the kit from an old college that had closed down a few years ago... looks like it was regularly serviced up to '05 but has sat still since... think it may deserve a little love and attention...
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    Startrite 18-S-5 Bandsaw... Help needed!

    Hi, I wonder if anyone out there may be able to help me. I've just had a little luck and managed to buy a startrite 18-S-5 bandsaw, a Startrite tilt arbour saw and a startrite inca planer thicknesser - none of which came with manuals... does anyone have any ideas where I may be able to find...