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  1. Barkie

    A bit different

    Matty, I don't often comment, but I feel compelled on this one - it is awesome. I love it. Everything just feels right about it to me. The thicker top and bottom work really well when the door is closed to give it a substantial, rustic feel that contrasts brilliantly with the arty inside...
  2. Barkie

    V for Victory tissue box

    You're a box addict, Devonwoody! For getting a nicer finish for the hole, I'd recommend using a forstner bit to cut the ends with and then join them with a straight line maybe? It's what I did to make the slot in the side of my scrapwood box and it worked really nicely (as long as you don't...
  3. Barkie

    Oak Table/Desk

    That's a really nice table. I particularly like the breadboard ends on the drawers to make it unique. The drawers look close-fitting too, makes me all teary-eyed to see something come together so nicely. One thing I'd do differently though - make it a lot slower :roll: You guys need to slow...
  4. Barkie

    Lee J's new workbench build

    Hi Lee, Nice project you've got going there with your bench. I did a bench refurb a few years ago, and put a thick weatherproof mdf sheet onto the wooden top and glued/screwed/plugged it into place. It has one huge problem though, that I just didn't think about. It's not exactly flat and...
  5. Barkie

    From Scrap Bin To Kitchen

    Thanks guys, although this is a bit of a non-project really :oops: Next project is to turn this into a coaster, before using some of the same veneer for the lid of a jewellery box for my 8 yr old daughter. This is the veneer that's been stuck with Titebond Liquid Hide Glue that's 5 years out...
  6. Barkie

    How To Finish Burr Maple

    Malc, In my defence, I posted that reply before I put up my avatar. Dammit, the truth is out there now! Lee
  7. Barkie

    From Scrap Bin To Kitchen

    Well, it seems the done thing around these parts to share pictures of our endeavors. I've been doing other stuff and the workshop has laid quiet for 5 years. I thought I'd better have some practice on some scraps. I found a bit of timber I'd hacked about a few years ago and cut it into 4...
  8. Barkie

    How To Finish Burr Maple

    Thanks! PM has been sent, looking forward to having a tea-safe coaster for my desk :D Cheers, Lee
  9. Barkie

    How To Finish Burr Maple

    Hi Ian, That's really helpful thanks. For this test piece I'm going to go ahead with some poly varnish gloss. Since I've decided to use it for a coaster, it'll give protection against any tea drips and the grain is too lovely to spoil. For the jewellery box you've given me pause for thought...
  10. Barkie

    First Time Veneering

    Tony, I think you're probably right. Just got one helluva fright when I typed "shelf life of titebond liquid hide glue" into Google. It seems that the 12 month life of the glue is about as long as you want to give it and several musical instrument making forums seemed to think it's pretty...
  11. Barkie

    First Time Veneering

    Thanks for your reply - I'll persevere with the hide glue as it seems to have done a decent job for me. I'm going to turn this small test piece into a coaster for my desk - be a nice reminder of the workshop too. I'll wait for one or two ideas for making it beautiful in the finishing section...
  12. Barkie

    How To Finish Burr Maple

    Hi All, I've now got a piece of maple burr veneer that's ***highly*** figured stuck onto a piece of mdf. It's just a practice piece about 5"x3" that I may turn into something useful later. What's a great way to finish this that doesn't require a major investment in tools, machinery and...
  13. Barkie

    First Time Veneering

    Hi All, I'm just getting back into my workshop after a long break (5 years or so). First project is a little jewellery/nick-nacks box for my 8 yr old daughter. It'll be very simple - box joints, a veneered lid and a possible veneered bottom. A long time ago I bought some highly figured maple...
  14. Barkie

    Please be honest.

    Hi Richard, It's clever and will grab some people's attention. If you're brave enough to keep reading, I'll give you three specific things I'd try for next time (I do this kind of stuff for a living)... 1 - Headline - If you think about people reading a newspaper, they skip through most of...
  15. Barkie

    axminster plane deal

    Hi, I felt compelled to login and actually post something, rather than just quietly lurking, when I saw your post. I had the same dilemma a few years ago. First bought a Stanley Handyman plane and thought that hand tools were complete rubbish. Couldn't cut toffee with it, horrible plane...
  16. Barkie

    Back After A Long Break

    Thanks for all your suggestions! I have uncovered the various bits of equipment now and it's beginning to look a bit like a workshop again. I shall have a go at turning on the various machines tomorrow evening to see if they're still in working order. My only real fear now is my bandsaw -...
  17. Barkie

    Back After A Long Break

    Hi Folks, It's been along time since I stepped into my workshop - in fact I think it's between 4 and 5 years now. My machines haven't been used since then and I've no idea what might go wrong with them when not used. They are dry and rust-free, but not sure about oils/greases etc. There's a...