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  1. Y

    Kitchen cabinet doors with class from veneered plywood

    I have made kitchen drawer fronts from oak veneered plywood, and now it's time for the cabinet doors. My wife wants the cabinet doors to match the drawer fronts, which is no problem for most of the cabinets. One cabinet should have a frame from the same oak veneered plywood, with inset glass...
  2. Y

    Cane repair

    Finally got a picture from my friend of the repaired cane. As suggested, he drilled both pieces, inserted and epoxied a threaded rod, and then "decorated" by winding a leather thong. Not too bad looking. anyway, I think that the cobra head will draw most of the attention. Thanks to all for the...
  3. Y

    Cane repair

    Hi Geoff. I thought of that as well. As I've not seen this cane, I have no idea if that's the case.
  4. Y

    Cane repair

    I also particularly like this Joni Mitchell song, and it's certainly more upbeat than Citizen Kane.
  5. Y

    Cane repair

    Very gratifying that someone with way more experience than I came up with a similar solution. I have not seen this stick, so I have no idea how irregular the cross-section is. I saw a link to this very interesting video on, and it might be applicable here. Anyway, a...
  6. Y

    Cane repair

    A friend, who collects canes and walking sticks, had to a cut a newly acquired walking stick in order to get it into his luggage. Now he's asking me how best to join the two pieces back back together. I've not yet seen the stick, but I'm guessing it's irregular in cross section, as he prefers...
  7. Y

    Cane repair

    A friend, who collects canes and walking sticks, had to a cut a newly acquired walking stick in order to get it into his luggage. Now he's asking me how best to join the two pieces back back together. I've not yet seen the stick, but I'm guessing it's irregular in cross section, as he prefers...