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  1. D

    Should I???.......

    Mark I am on the wrong side of the pond for what is available, but from what I have seen, any of the top chucks are solid, well made and versatile. Most come with one set of jaws and a wood screw but will happily take your money for as many extra sets as you wish to get. Look for one with a...
  2. D

    Around the woods web site?

    Thanks for the welcome, guys. This looks like a forum with a lot of action. I was in England for a couple of weeks a couple of years ago and I had a great time. My wife is from the Lake District.
  3. D

    Cheap "commercial" fingernail jig!

    'tis I, although fame seems a strong word. This looks like an active forum. Very nice.
  4. D

    Cheap "commercial" fingernail jig!

    I have a jig to make over my web site. I built it years ago to see if I preferred using jigs to free hand grinding with the intention of getting a commercial one if the cobbled up version convinced me. It works so well I have kept using it for about seven years. My cost? About C$2.50. I think...
  5. D

    Around the woods web site?

    Hi all. I guess I am new to this forum. A message was forwarded to me that there was difficulty logging on to Around the Woods I appreciate the interest I see in the forum. The site is a lot of fun and has been growing over the years. Just a hint, ignore the menus and go to the contents page. It...