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  1. T

    Linux and Real Player

    Contrary to popular belief most Linux versions require a fairly up to date machine, (assuming you want a full desktop) you could have a look at PClinuxOS, I just put it on an old laptop works fine it comes with Mplayer so should play most stuff out of the box. It also has a nice configuration...
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    Windows Vista driving me nuts - again! Anyone help?

    It is simple and quick to install Linux on any machine, I dumped Windows rubbish five years ago and never looked back, no viruses, trojan, etc.
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    Router advice needed

    April/May at the earliest, dearer than the existing model and vastly overpriced.
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    Handmade oak pegs?

    Mike, I assume you are using green oak for your conservatory and that you know the Oak for the pegs needs to be dry. Traditionally the pegs were riven and finished with a drawknife. I made a few ( hundred) for my house and used 25mmx25mm ripped Oak a power planer for getting near size ( 16mm)...
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    Router advice needed

    I need to buy a router, initially to just do some chamfering on some exposed Oak beams on a new landing I have made but in the near future a lot of skirting and door/doorframe moulding which will probably be best with a table. The wood is only Oak. I may even try a raised panel or two. I would...
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    Linux Ubuntu, Can anyone help?

    Here is a good how-to, ... pper-basic you will need to change bits for Ubuntu. I don't know if Ubuntu has the required packages and kernel module, I would think so but if not look at the advanced bit. Ian
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    Linux Ubuntu, Can anyone help?

    Unfortunately, apart from a few exceptions wi-fi hardware manufacturers will not disclose enough information for a driver to be built or release a driver with with a licence that will not allow re-distribution with the CD. The normal way to get wi-fi working in this case is to use ndiswrapper...
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    I was looking at the same sort of size saw a few month back and went for the (Felder) Hammer N4400 it is about £800 so quite a bit cheaper than the others, they have an offer on at the moment. .I have used it most days and very pleased so far. Ian
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    Maths help needed please

    18mm fall per metre run is the minimum allowed , all the details are in the building regs which are free to download here. Ian ... 10382.html
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    Yes I have been following the tread, although I have now finished the frame and doors using my old Stanley chisels. I have spent a bit of time researching Japanese tools also been reading the Japanese tool sections of the American and Australian woodworking forums, I am considering getting a...
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    They look really nice, but a quick calculation adding on import duty and vat would make them about £230 here for the four chisels.
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    Matthew, Thanks for the explanation although I am quite happy with the metallurgy and manufacturing process, my background is engineering but I have read several articles mentioning the real possibility of blade chipping with the Japanese chisels when used for anything other than fine cabinet...
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    Thanks for the feedback Karl. Ian
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    Hello all, My first post although I have been reading the forum for a while. I am building my own house ( for some time : :) ) it is an Oak frame and I am now moving on to second fix and beyond. I have a fair amount of Oak sticked drying some of it six years old so I expect the 6 x 6 beams...