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  1. H

    Advice needed for workshop/garden-office project

    Also forgot to ad that the insulated plasterboards are foil backed so have a vapour barrier built-in
  2. H

    Advice needed for workshop/garden-office project

    What about the 1 inch or so gap created by dot+dab between inner face of brick and insulation? Sorry for dumb questions but just trying to understand as its important..
  3. H

    Advice needed for workshop/garden-office project

    masonary fixation aside, shouldn't those little vents that brickies put in place of the odd cement line help with any condensation within the structure - though I doubt I know what I am talking about in this area.
  4. H

    Advice needed for workshop/garden-office project

    I have been talking to a mate of mine as it turns out he did something similar in terms of a garden workshop-office. He was on a tight budget so did the following for the walls (the bit i'm interested in) - built 4 brick pillars for each corner - filled in with single line concrete blocks -...
  5. H

    Advice needed for workshop/garden-office project

    Thanks MikeG and my mistake on the 30m planning/building-regs comment. Main thing is I don't need either. I am firming up on the floor being concrete slab and will be following Mikes process on that. I am also leaning towards wood frame thats insulated so again as per Mikes process - and also...
  6. H

    Advice needed for workshop/garden-office project

    Thanks porker, The workshop as described size/roof/etc is pretty much what i want so i don' think there is a need for PP but agree that its not difficult shpould i need it. I like EPDM idea as its long life so will explore that option versus traditional felt. I have done a few concrete bases so...
  7. H

    Advice needed for workshop/garden-office project

    I recently came across this site and its amazing. I have read through a number of projects as part of my research and feel i have a good grasp of the fundamentals so hopefully won't ask too many 'basic' questions. I am fairly familiar with building/planning as have done both a small extension...