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  1. MarkDennehy

    Post a photo of the last thing you made

    Had made a pen for mom, she also snarfled my pencil so I had to make a matching pencil to the pen to get mine back. Old age and cunning wins again... (It's a bit fat because mom is starting to get arthritis in her fingers and the chunkiness helps)
  2. MarkDennehy

    Fed up sharpening pencils

    I can't believe lads don't just make their own to be honest :P :D :ROFLMAO:
  3. MarkDennehy

    Post a photo of the last thing you made

    Wanted to make some fancy pens, so did some simple ones for practice first: Those are my second, third and fourth ever pens, in that order, they're just normal 7mm slimline pen kits that came in the axminster beginners kit with the mandrel. First one is a segmented blank I made from oak...
  4. MarkDennehy

    Post a photo of the last thing you made

    A friend who's been turning much much longer than I have said I should try turning a thin-walled bowl as a skill test because "get gud, scrub". Somewhat nervewracking - if I'd farted during that last cut, every dog in the neighbourhood would have come running. Turned out okay though. Chestnut...
  5. MarkDennehy

    Post a photo of the last thing you made

    Was watching Stewart Furini do a demo for conkers live this week and the spiralising stuff he was doing put an idea in my head so I got it out by making it. One dinosaur-slashed bowl :D Spalted beech with danish oil and hampshire sheen. Nice little bit of wood, that was.
  6. MarkDennehy

    Customs declarations and brexit

    He must have his facts confused. I work for a US multinational in Dublin and we have - at last count pre-pandemic - 63 nationalities working in the office with us, and not in a token way either, my team was less than half Irish, everyone else was Italian and French and Greek. Looking round the...
  7. MarkDennehy

    Customs declarations and brexit

    *remembers Irish food in the 1970s and 1980s* *looks at Irish food today* Can I get some more uncontrolled immigration from all over the world please? It's very tasty.
  8. MarkDennehy

    Small shed thoughts

    Mine's 8'x6'. It works. It's very crowded and that's even with the timber space outside. There are limits to what I can work on for ordinary woodworking, the desk/shelves I did last year were pretty much over those limits and it was a pain as a result. You wind up working on the shed a bit...
  9. MarkDennehy

    Customs declarations and brexit

    (And yes, you can say CERN and Euratom aren't EU-specific projects, but you're kinda missing the question because Phil was asking what couldn't have been done without the EU existing. If the EU and the EEC hadn't existed, CERN and Euratom couldn't have gotten to where they are today because they...
  10. MarkDennehy

    Customs declarations and brexit

    CERN and dozens of research projects that boosted our universities, Euratom and all the MRIs and other advanced imaging as well as radiation therapy it enabled, half the roads in my country, the absence of a war between france, england or germany for the first time in a very long historical...
  11. MarkDennehy

    Customs declarations and brexit

    I mean, even then that view is problematical since the idea of an "EU federal state" was being debated publicly before I was born so it was hardly a secret that it was an option - but the path from there to here was a series of negotiated treaties which were not mandatory and which were all...
  12. MarkDennehy

    Really annoyed myself believing **** online

    The only thing that's making you think it's rough is that all the edges that you can see are at the full thickness of the wood. If it's possible to unscrew things even at this stage and take them apart (which it won't be if stuff was glued) then you could just plane a heavy bevel into the...
  13. MarkDennehy

    Post a photo of the last thing you made

    Just wanted to make a nice simple small bowl. 5"x3" chestnut, finished with poppyseed oil and yorkshire grit and hampshire sheen wax on the outside.
  14. MarkDennehy

    Customs declarations and brexit

    Several things happening in conjunction and building up over the last two years, accelerating over the last 6-9 months - the impact of the NIP being suddenly and strongly felt by local businesses on top of the damage done by the pandemic and the damage that had already been done in some sectors...
  15. MarkDennehy

    Customs declarations and brexit

    That was literally the motivation behind the good friday agreement. Millions of people all voted (and I'm heavily paraphrasing here but you can read the full GFA in ten minutes flat if you want, and a summary of what it says in about ninety seconds) to "agree to disagree" and get on with their...
  16. MarkDennehy

    Customs declarations and brexit

    1) "back to Ireland" is difficult because the people involved are British, born in the UK, pay tax to the UK, hold British passports, have rights under British law and have never set foot in Ireland. It's a bit hard to go back to a place you've never been to in the first place. 2) They're not...
  17. MarkDennehy

    Customs declarations and brexit

    They don't. They live in Northern Ireland. Different country. Ireland is the other country, the one south of the border. If you live in Northern Ireland, you're a UK citizen, not an Irish citizen. You are British, not Irish. And look, that is simplfying somewhat and it is legitimately...
  18. MarkDennehy

    Customs declarations and brexit

    All of which is very depressing to watch. NI should be celebrating, all their numbers say that they managed to break the pandemic a fortnight ago. They should be having (socially distanced) parties right now. Not this.
  19. MarkDennehy

    Customs declarations and brexit

    BTW, for those thinking or saying "yeah, but they're really the 'ra, so they don't want to be British", I understand that the British press has somewhat dropped the ball here, so just one small point you need to bear in mind here - the people throwing the petrol bombs are not the IRA, they're...
  20. MarkDennehy

    Customs declarations and brexit

    Can we just pause for a moment there Phil? You've got a teensy small tiny fact incorrect. Allow me to explain: They're not Irish people trying to murder Irish people. They are your countrymen, not mine. They live in the UK. They hold British passports. They are British people trying to murder...