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  1. C

    Help! Very wet oak pics

    Got this oak from an old fallen trunk this weekend. It was very mossy and wet but the heart wood seems to be sound. The outer layers were very pulpy. Will it be workable if I dry it properly?
  2. C

    Finished bowl pics

    I've finished the bowl - did it by hand for the experience - not a way to make a living!! :D Took nearly a day of hand sanding to smooth out sufficiently... May finish with wax/steel wool. Would welcome thoughts. Haven't figured out how to put pics up here yet but the link should take you...
  3. C

    More pics of burr elm(?) ... h/elm3.JPG tulsk aka John seems to have won the wood recognition competition - what I thought was oak may well turn out to be elm - thanks John! From its shape and bark, I had assumed oak - there was no leaf to help identify, but there is a replica...
  4. C

    Bowl carving with pics ... /bowl1.jpg I started this yesterday with another odd-shaped piece of burr oak rescued from the tree after the chainsaw crew had mangled it somewhat! I wanted to try to carve it by hand for the experience and to contrast with turning so I gouged out the...
  5. C

    Mice carving

    I've finished - well nearly for now - the carving from the wedge-shaped piece of oak burr. The full set of pics and commentary is on my blog at, but I'll try to hotlink some pics here. Would welcome feedback - bear in mind I had to use my mobile since I still...
  6. C

    Tools for fine carving my first project?

    I laid a claim to some burr oak last weekend which I've talked about in the wood turning forum. But I have a small offcut which I thought I could use for practice to see what state the wood is in - it seems to be quite dry, possibly since the tree has been dead in parts for some years - some of...
  7. C

    Oak Burrs

    I posted this first in the general woodworking forum but was advised that it might be better to post here. I've just taken 8 oak burrs from an old tree which had been felled due to its trunk rotting from the inside out. They range in size from 10 inches to 20 inches and between 5 and 8 inches...
  8. C

    Working with oak burrs

    Hi - I'm a newbee here - haven't started any projects yet but hope to soon after a tech course. I used to make guitars from the rough-sawn timber up, and did Craft Design and Technology at college, so know most of the basics. I have a general question about oak burrs. I was up in a remote spot...