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  1. digazz

    Been Busy... Critiques please

    Here is a bowl i made. Don't know what the wood is. Its about 4"x7". Two goblets, first two i've made. used off cuts from the newl post from our cherry stairs. Finish didn't turn out the best on the one on the left. Friction polish went a bit gloopy And finally my first two attempts at...
  2. digazz

    what to fill a crack with...

    I'm making lamp, from what i think is spalted beech, but there was a bit of rot in it. And there is a large valley running from the Base to the top (before it narrows in to the neck). I was wondering if anyone had any idea's of what i could fill it with before i finish it off. Also i think it...
  3. digazz

    best wood for a mortar and pestle

    what is the best wood easy enough to find, for making a mortar and pestle, and what would you finish it off in,
  4. digazz

    Pic's don't show up

    most of the time when someone post's pictures of there work, it just shows up as ablank space, It seems that everyone else can see them cos they comment on them, Is there a a setting that i need to change??.
  5. digazz

    Need Info on the Robert Sorby ProEdge???

    I Thinking of buying a Robert Sorby ProEdge plus sharping system, but i'm a bit unsure on the whole belt thing. Everyone seems to use a bench grinder. Could anyone shed some light on the ProEdge Plus.