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  1. T

    Help... I need a new bandsaw.... what do I do?

    Greetings oh learned ones. My burgess bk2 is on its last legs and I would like to get a replacement. But, as I inherited this from my grandad, and didn't buy it I have no idea what is good value for money. I was thinking either of these...
  2. T

    Interesting find!

    In my local Bodycare they arecurrently selling packets of tissues at 10p per pack. So what I hear you cry. Well, the difference is these are 100% non woven cotton. Basically they work like safety cloths at a fraction of the price, and also come in a handy plastic box. They are called Lotus...
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    Henry Taylor multi tip tool (hollowing)

    Hi chaps I was bought the above mentioned tool for my birthday by the in-laws. What the hell do I do with it? I can't find any info on how to use it or what its main use is. Can I hollow out with it or is it specifically for finishing cuts? How do I hold it? I couldn't make it do a damn...
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    Hi guys its brain picking time! Yesterday, after cleaning out the storage shed I came across a jenga set "liberated" from a pub it used to work in. Do any of you know what type of wood jenga sets are made from? its the normal sized one not the giant size. After spending most of the...