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  1. S

    UK Energy Production

    I tend to agree. The British trend over the last 40 years, or so, has been towards laziness. We lost the leading edge on all fronts. It could be because other countries caught up, but I doubt that. Now, we know that it would be better for us to generate and use our own energy and even make...
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    Mental Health benefit of woodwork

    I think any activity that makes the mind think outside of itself stops the internal conflicts, at least for a while. Walking in woodland is a good way to relax as the foliafe gives off relaxing scents and odours, and antibacterial chemicals to fend off pesky insects, and green is the most...
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    Parcels to USA

    And Trump told the nation that the increased trade tariffs wouldn't affect them. Oh my..
  4. S

    Melting Lead

    For the odd occasion melting lead is best done on an outdoor camping stove in an old saucepan. A breezy day is useful but wearing a mask is recommended, I used to cast all my fishing weights this way when I was younger.
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    The China Effect

    My first experience with a table saw was with a benchtop Makita, the thinking being that it was compact and reputable. I was wrong. After a year of using it I realised that it wasm't cutting true, the blade askew and there was no adjustment. I stripped it down and added a few shims to the motor...
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    Music that makes woodworking impossible

    I have Alexa play my Playlist of 60s, 70s and 80 hits.
  7. S

    Gaming PC advice?

    Indeed. This is why it's good to seek advice and then do some research before putting down the money. Google is your friend, as they say. A local, trustworthy PC shop is even better, as long as there's no conflict between what you researched and what the shop is saying.
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    Gaming PC advice?

    The main requirements for speed, for me, is a high end processor, the largest SSD (Solid state drive) you can get within your budget and a mid-top end graphics card. Obviously, the monitor is important too and needs a high refresh rate (144Hz) if he's going to play for prolonged periods without...
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    Gaming PC advice?

    I used PC Specialist for 2 PCs over the years. They're good. Now, I have a local high street company called Computer Cabin who can advise and put together a system that suits my needs.
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    It would be likely that the a dip in the supply, caused by lightning, caused a momentary variation between phase and neutral whch might cause the RCD to trip. Use the Test button on the trip to make sure it's working. The MCBs will only trip if the current exceeds the rating (x the Curve of the...
  11. S

    Raising money for homeless veterans

    It must be a bit of a culture shock, leaving the military and finding yourself having to come to terms with a different world.
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    Raising money for homeless veterans

    As witth a lot of institutions and businesses, retiring employees get help, retirement seminars and, in some cases, a phasing shift to retirement. I wonder why, when military personnel receive a military pension on top of their state pension, that so many of them struggle financially. Perhaps...
  13. S

    Which tape measure?!!

    That's true. I have one in the car, one in my decorators toolbox (Pod 1), one in my electronics toolbox (Pod 2), one in my elecrical toolbox (Pod 3) and one in my woodworking bag (Pod 4) and one in my desk, in the study (Pod 5). Never have enough tape measures. The only thing about them, for...
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    Talk about rip-off Britain.

    I'm 71 and haven't had any checks at all. I think you may be in error there. They are talking about assessing older drivers in the future.
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    Yes with less sun and more intermittent wind, we should be OK...on and off.
  16. S

    PIR + Switch + LED Outdoor Lights

    Solar power is good as long as it is located where it will get a good amount of light. I live in the valley, on the southern slope which means we don't get the sun from late autumn till early spring. My neighbour has a small, solar-powered, light on the drive but, in winter, it's no use. At best...
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    PIR + Switch + LED Outdoor Lights

    Eacgh component would have had an accompanying sheet with details of installation and wiring details. In the absence of these it's worth noting that different makers use differing coloured wires so it would be wrong for anyone to offer asolution.
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    Pants on Fire!

    Because sensational news sells papers and, all they have to do is print a retraction later, they don't care, they sold the story. I stopped reading The Times when the News Corp Group took it over.
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    Online Safety Act

    The freedom of expression is law-base. But, if somebody, or group, decide to incite others to take actions that may result in violence, intimidation, or causing harassment, alarm, distress the actions become criminal offences.
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    Online Safety Act election can be called for either the end of an term, where elections are mandatory, or when the incumbent government is in such dire straits, for whatever reasons, that the opposition parties, fuelled by the people, demand an election, whereupon the PM is forced to act. The people do...