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  1. J

    Removing cup rings.

    Was about to suggest the same thing.
  2. J

    Disaster applying shellac to lacewood...

    Do you think I can sand it out as opposed to using a plane? I am not confident that I'll be able to fix it with the plane.... it's a small box...
  3. J

    Disaster applying shellac to lacewood...

    So my last xmas gift needed a finish and I decided (wisely) to finish it with some shellac I mixed up after getting advice from the forum a couple of weeks ago. It went on a test piece reasonably well, but seems to have failed on the box I wanted to finish with it. I left the first coat about...
  4. J

    "Acrylic" Paint

    Brilliant stuff as always gents - thanks so much.
  5. J

    Painting birch ply exposed edges

    Hello All, Does anyone have any experience using a filler of some kind (...I see the Americans use Crawford's Vinyl Spackle) in order to make a bitch ply edge paintable? Am keen to paint a piece of birch ply I have prepared for a child's sword. Does anyone have any suggestions?
  6. J

    "Acrylic" Paint

    My grandfather used to make lots of noice toys out of wood and finish them with "acrylic" based paint - sadly he is no longer with us. Where does one buy good quality "acrylic" paints for small hobby wood working projects? I want to add a red stripe across a shield I've made a sprog - but can't...
  7. J

    What's going on with these here mortice chisels?

    Thanks everyone as usual - this is a wonderful resource
  8. J

    What's going on with these here mortice chisels?

    They were really expensive. That's what.
  9. J

    What's going on with these here mortice chisels?

    How would one go about cutting them down if I don't have a metal working lathe?
  10. J

    What's going on with these here mortice chisels?

    Based on reading on here I decided to buy a couple of Japanese morticing chisels to try out on a Sedgwick mortiser which I inherited and has sat in the workshop corner for a hundred years. The issue seems to be though that the shafts of the drill bit part of the chisel is too long for the...
  11. J

    Sawstop demo and thoughts

    More or less exactly where i'm at - i'll be buying one with a cast table though. No more aluminium tables to bend.
  12. J

    Sawstop demo and thoughts

    I'll be looking at buying one in the future.
  13. J

    Harrogate Show

    Is there any equivelent of this down in the south? Would have loved to go - but too far for me.... [edit] a quick google suggests there were a couple that ran in 2024! Next year!
  14. J

    Steamy bathroom

    When the steam from the shower hits the cold air from an open window... it instantly turns the water vapor into water. It's why you end up with soaking walls if you leave the window open... a fast extractor fan pulls this moisture out and expels it outside. In a normal setting without the...
  15. J

    Convert old fridge for paint storage etc.

    Have you had paint freeze before? What does it do to the paint in the longterm?
  16. J

    Sovereign Citizens

    You should read this published in the guardian last week: "Maritime Law" is another of these ridiculous things touted by these cranks.
  17. J

    Steamy bathroom

    My experience is that tenants who have lived with **** landlords in the past - have always been told that they should open the windows to let fresh air in. The problem with that is that when they end up in a place with suitable airflow and venting and extractor fans - they continue to let cold...
  18. J

    Simple Burglar Alarm for Workshop

    Good idea on the hinge bolts - just ordered some - great idea.
  19. J

    Simple Burglar Alarm for Workshop

    Great recommendation - I'm going to order the light/siren from him. Got some great ideas on here and I'm going to put something together with a 12v key switch.
  20. J

    Simple Burglar Alarm for Workshop

    Yeh - I have some shotgun alarm mines. The issue is that it's not my farm and my brother in law who runs the place sometimes needs access to my workshop area - and its a commercial workplace so having shotgun alarm mines doesn't seem like the best idea . The wiring of what I want to do seems...