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  1. E

    Parallel guides compatible with Mafell track saw mt55

    I've a Mafell track saw mt55 and am wondering what's the best functioning parallel guide for it. The TSO parallel guides seem to work great. Can they be made to work on a Mafell track... or is there any other parallel guides that work like the TSO do, ie... A spring toggle clamp to lock it down?
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    Louvre Roof System

    Google changed since I was at college and I can't find anything anymore. Thanks. Yeah, it would need to be heavy duty but I am also thinking of storm/bad weather over blind/shutter that can be pulled over/down the blade section. A scaled up and horizontal version of the video below.
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    Louvre Roof System

    I'm looking for the mechanism/hardware for a Louvre Roof System. I want one that retracts but also rotates each blind "blade". For now, just getting a look at market mechanisms... just to see how the work properly. I have an idea but always better to build off established knowledge. If one...
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    Scheppach Plana 3.0 Planer & Thicknesser Combination.

    Yeah, I've bought one with 40 spare cutters squares, (for life buy). I always liked the rubber rollers because they allow you to take off very fine amounts.
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    Bench vise orientation

    I was reading this... and hope it helps others like myself in the future.
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    Bench vise orientation

    I'm planning out my bench and all photos I see of benches and their vices, (from my feeling) are the wrong way around... Like in the image below, to cut a piece of wood in the vice level. It has to project out into the open air, on the left-hand side. If on the right-hand side the bench gets'...
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    The new Jessem Pow-R-Tek SR router motor

    Has anyone any experience with this "new" motor? I am interested in buy one but because of it's newness, want to hear what folks feel about it.
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    Sharpening jig for short chisels

    Thanks all for your thoughts... In all honesty, I am thinking of going fully to diamond stones. Diamond stones for my Tormek wheel and diamond stones for my hand sharpening. The Tormek will be used for turning, carving/rounded chisels... and grinding down my hand chisels, before putting the...
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    Full length cyclone separators Vs short ones?

    Can folks tell me the difference in performance between a full length cyclone separators... ... and the short, bucket mounted cyclone separators?
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    Sharpening jig for short chisels

    I am looking for a sharpening jig that will allow me to sharpen my chisel and plane blades regardless of its's length. ie... What jig clamps the chisel the lowest down? Normally once a chisel get down to a certain shortness, most jigs can't clamp it with putting a steep angle on it. It would...
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    Scheppach Plana 3.0 Planer & Thicknesser Combination.

    Excellent, couldn't be better. Excellent, couldn't be better. What about other parts, like springs and cogs? Where best to get them from?
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    Scheppach Plana 3.0 Planer & Thicknesser Combination.

    I have a Scheppach Plana 3.0 Planer & Thicknesser Combination, bought in 2006. The rubber rollers need replacing... (the feeder drive's feeding pressure is messed up),. It's as if the rollers aren't pushing down with an enough force. I think it best just to buy new rollers as well as fix the...
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    Router Table lifts

    Even the Jessem comes only in "imperial, feet and inches"?
  14. E

    Router Table lifts

    Thanks all for your replies. I'll still research this... as now I feel I need to quantify what "good extraction" is? The router and lift in it's own little under top cabinet, with door and extraction on the bottom a funneled cabinet?
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    Router Table lifts

    Hi, I am wondering what's the best router table lift out there? I have been looking at this one... UJK Router Elevator Are there any types without the chains as I have read that they get clogged? Does anyone have experience of router lifts with this why of operating... ie... the chain. Is...
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    Router for door hardware

    You sound like just the man to talk to. 😀 So if you are routing out for a simple internal house door striker plate? You use the router to rout out the plate dept and outline, with a template?.. But what do you do for the striker's hole? For your router?.. What extraction kit/attachments were...
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    Router for door hardware

    Yes you are right about the hole, but still I was asking, incase there was something out there that will do it. I do many a day and if it call be done with one tool the better. Also a router will give me perfect depth for the plate and never any messing around with cardboard shims, etc...
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    Router for door hardware

    After, watching it on Youtube, I think it would be definitely too light for my needs.
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    Router for door hardware

    Has anyone used one of these... or something in closeness of size and power? Would one of these be too "light"?
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    Router for door hardware

    What type of router device/model/configuration would folks suggest for routing out door striker plates? etc... I'm guessing the smaller the better so it can be used free hand but also with the most power possible for the job? I would mostly be routing out 2-3 mm depths.... but would also be...