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  1. Y

    what are CLIFTON doing.....

    100% May I add?: "According to such and such issue of Fine Woodworking / Popular Woodworking of such and such month and such and such year......." And may I exaggerate?: "Kirschen are no good, you should buy the Narex."
  2. Y

    what are CLIFTON doing.....

    That's cheating, the The Best Things sells Clifton planes way cheaper than everybody else does/did. One of my favourite virtual robot shops, btw. So, I just caught up with the ten-pages that came about since I last visited and I notice that no one has suggested that the Fiery Phoenix Clifton...
  3. Y

    need another plane?

    I bought the kunz shaves, specifically, because I had heard about and, consequently, read an article about "improving" old or poorly made new ones (stanley, record, anant) and decided it was so ridiculous that it warranted my doing such on a one of the most notoriously disdained brands. i...
  4. Y

    what are CLIFTON doing.....

    I can't post links, the US versions of those shorts have been pirated onto youtube for a while (if I'm correct in it being the same production). Search for "How it's made crosscut saws" and "How it's made bench planes" if you missed it and are interested.
  5. Y

    need another plane?

    The British English folk are under the impression that it's pronounced like the "un" in "under". In which case, it's homophonic to the plural form of a curse word that refers to lady parts. Pronounced somewhat incorrectly, it's a close homophone of a North American slang for raccoons and...
  6. Y

    what are CLIFTON doing.....

    Long time listener, first time caller. I liked the old look, I like the new look! "Graphite", so depending on lighting, it looks either somewhat bare iron or somewhat black, right? Those times I tried fiddling with old Stanleys, the tar was the first thing to go. And my pair of czech record...