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  1. xmetal

    Laptop "repair"?!

    HP laptops are the worst for breaking in one way or another. With the hinges, it's normally the plastic hinge mountings that contain the threaded inserts breaking away from the board. That is usually part of the lower case. It's pretty normal for these to be on the way out when opening HP...
  2. xmetal

    Greetings from Brum

    Welcome to the forum. Not that far from Brum here.
  3. xmetal

    What are the definitive smells of the 70s?

    Jeyes Fluid (the proper stuff with coal tar) springs to mind. Gunk.
  4. xmetal

    Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm

    My dad had an aortic replacement operation done nearly twenty years ago. He is 99 years old now. At the time he fell out of an apple tree and the chiropractor he went to over his bad back spotted it and referred him. He was told at the time by the surgeon that the aorta was about to burst and he...
  5. xmetal

    How to stop mice pinching the traps?

    I have a few traps in the garage and I wondered for a while why the traps were losing their bait of peanut butter. I found out it was slugs entering under the garage door. I rigged up an electronic trap and found a fried slug. I use the bait in the link now and the slugs don't bother with it...
  6. xmetal

    Upgrade sliding mitre saw

    I have the DLS110Z too. A great saw. No it doesn't come with a laser guide but I made up a guide using a sewing led light array. It lights up either side of the blade and leaves a shadow directly under the blade. The laser is to one side of the blade on the LS1019l.
  7. xmetal

    Screwfix website not accessible

    I just get a blank page over the last week. It works on a different browser like Chrome though. I think they have messed around with it but haven't tested it on other browsers.
  8. xmetal

    Hello from Solihull

    Will do and thank you. :)
  9. xmetal

    Hello from Solihull

    That's nice to know. Thanks. :)
  10. xmetal

    Hello from Solihull

    My name is Andrew. I've mainly been in the electronic equipment repair and telecommunications industries most of my working life but from skills picked up with work and DIY over the years, I'm spending more time working with wood. I have a number of woodworking tools including a mitre saw...